QuestTracers is back with Alexia Crow: Deal of the Gods, another lovely installment of their point-and click adventure series. Dropped right in to her hero training where The Cave of Heroes left off, Alexia is told that the fate of millions rely on her, though the message is disrupted before she can find out why or what she can do about it. So there's nothing left but to continue to explore and puzzle your way around to try and find some answers out for yourself.
Click to interact with your surroundings, though as before the cursor won't change except to show you area transitions. This isn't a huge setback as the game focuses more on stand alone puzzles than inventory combinations. Drag the items you do find from your inventory at the bottom of the screen to where you'd like to place them. A welcome change this time around is the ability to turn off the visual warping effect that many found disorienting in the last game. Some of the puzzles in The Deal of the Gods don't feel as intuitive as in the first installment, but the beautiful art and intriguing and mysterious story line make this one to check out.
I made it through the labyrinth, but I really have no idea how. What is the solution supposed to be?
I'm so confused. What on earth are you supposed to do for the 3x3 goddess pillar puzzle thingy?
...Wow, that was badly phrased.
Huh. Apparently I did it right the first time I tried, but it didn't realize. Leaving and returning to the area fixed that problem.
Completely stuck at the very beginning. I have:
Outside the labyrinth:
@mystify, after you put the cross in the giant's forehead she shows you her hand which has a series of dots on it. That's the clue for the labyrinth.
What annoyed me was (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) there was a complete lack of clue on what you're supposed to do with the minesweeper-like puzzle.
I wish they wouldn't do the moving thing at all. It adds NOTHING to the game and makes some people physically ill enough to not play at all. If they must do it, they should make the motion about 10 - 25% of what it is now.
fallinghawks: You can turn the 3D effect completely off by clicking on the 3D button. That was one of the first things it pointed out in the intro piece.
Okay, thanks to the hint from wjess, I figured out where to go from there and managed to complete the game. I was not impressed. Everything after the column puzzle was designed to be as irritating as possible...
About the floating crystals at the end
Not too sure bout no.3 since it took me a few tries. Hope this helps :D
I found a bug.
At the pillar with drawings just outside the labyrinth (where Leia Skywalker is holding a chain),
@bwansy: actually you can salvage that situation.
what we need is a complete walkthrough :)
lceninexp: I'm not talking about 3D effect, I'm talking about how the viewport is smaller than the game background and moving your cursor to the top of the screen moves the background under the viewport. I didn't see a whole lot of difference between the "3D effect" button being off or on (just a little more fisheyed when it's on). Simply fitting the entire background to the viewport would make playing a more pleasant experience IMO.
Has anyone figured out what to do with the minesweeper game? I'm terrible at minesweeper (mostly because I just don't care enough)but I'd like to at least SEE the rest of the game.
To solve the minesweeper game:
I rage quit halfway. Interface is so clunky you spend more time trying to coerce it into doing what you want than solving puzzles. Sad waste of perfectly good art, music and puzzles. If the authors are reading these reviews, please get some training in usability and user interface. As it is now, you are not exploiting the full extent of your talent.
I still don't understand the labyrinth clue. I saw the dots but I didn't get how to apply them. And while I was wandering randomly I solved it accidentally, so now I'd have to replay the whole thing to get a chance to try again.
Ugh this was completely unplayable for me even after I turned off the 3D effect. Just like the last one I think.
Stuck. So very stuck. Is there some clue for the labyrinth that I'm missing? So far I have:
I really liked the first game, butt his one seems to be beyond me.
Well. Now stuck at the column puzzle.
To solve the 9 columns you will need:
Stuck on the mechanic math equations part and the labyrinth
Finally JFD the minesweeper puzzle (I hate minesweeper even more now, thankyou) and WTF with the goddess pillar puzzle? Is there any indication of when you've got the right freaking answer? Nothing's locking in, so do I just have all of it wrong, or does this game interface just suck?
yeah, I saw the clue for the labrynith, but I don't know how it applies. I don't see any correlation to what I did and what the clue was.
I have been a long time lurker of JayisGames and this game annoyed my so much I created an account just to say so. The drag the ball through the maze puzzle was absolutely detestable. I enjoyed part one, part three will probably not get played.
The labarynth clue isn't actually that complicated. The trick is not overthinking it.