Keybol's Another Pretentious Game is a minimalistic puzzle game that, depending on how you choose to interpret it, might either be about the way people hurt each other and themselves when they dance around what they really want to say and how they really feel... or a gentle jab at similarly artsy games. Much like Pretentious Game, play and objectives are simple. In this case, you're clicking and dragging to draw a short, wavy line on screen that, when released, will undulate along in a path that touches both large coloured circles onscreen. Once you release the line, it can't be altered, so it's about figuring how to draw it so that its wrigglings get it where you want it to be, without touching any of the grey circles in the way. It can be a little hard to get the hang of at first, if only because figuring out how long or short of a line you need in order for it to keep its shape or move the way you want it to takes practice. But despite that, the way the gameplay illustrates a couple dancing around obstacles and each other is nicely evocative... though how you react to the ending and whether you feel it fitting is entirely up to you.
Entertaining and different. It needs a reset button. The wait for the snake to move off screen if you don't get all of the dots can be annoying.
Oh Keybol... this game would be much more playable if you'd given it a level select menu of some sort...
But you didn't.
More like Another Blek Clone. 8)
The levels with obstacles are infuriating, mainly because the controls are so fiddly I still can't get the hang of predicting where a curve will go once I let go of it. Could there be a version that either has better feedback or doesn't rely on pixel-perfect curves?
Bad controls, awful line-dragging physics (you can make it around an obstacle then your line will tighten INTO it), and it's a blatant rip-off of another game (Blek for iOS).
Not colourblind-friendly. I often can't see the difference in colour between an obstacle and a target. Would be much improved if they didn't colour-change at all, or does that affect gameplay somehow?
Thought the original Pretentious Game would be this:
Actually, while I had to discover this by accident, it does have a reset button: just click the mouse button while the squiggle is moving.
The color-changing of the 'target' circles doesn't affect the game play. While I'm not colorblind, I did find it a bit distracting.
Also going to echo many of the other comments: controls were clunky and the line-behavior was not very predictable. There were many levels that I brute-forced with a tight, screen-filling zigzag. While some of the 'obstacle' levels had a clear pattern to work with, I ended up flummoxed on the level with 15 colored circles buried in a mass of grey circles with one possible entrance.
Another Pretentious Game Script:
In case anyone does NOT want to trudge through 25 levels of fun. Wait. Did I say 'fun'? I meant pain.
Note that due to the nature of the ending, it is in an entirely separate spoiler within. Read at your own will. Also note that while there are 26 bullet points, the last one is not a stage.
Ouch. Right in the feels.
Wow, this is a stolen poem too.