Friendly reminder that per our site's rules and commenting policies, any comments left that attack or insult another reader, group of people, or comments that are pointlessly rude, use profanity, or otherwise instead of using constructive criticism will be immediately deleted. Persistent repeat offenders will be banned. Thank you for your understanding!
Yep, tried all that - and since it's working on other domains (and has historically worked fine here, like as recently as this morning) but seems to be browser-independent... it seems like something that must be happening on your end?
I just updated Chrome, I have the latest flash (, and on FF at least the ads will load and run (even though they're flash) but not the game. For some reason the ads arent't running on Chrome at all, with AdBlock on or off. So that's a mystery.
Ok, did a little more poking around:
1) doesn't work on IE, either.
2) Flash works fine on every other domain I've tried (addicting games, Adobe, etc)
3) when I try to view just the flash object I get a 404 error; on other domains I'm able to copy the url of the flash object and plate it into the browser bar and it'll load the game.
To further assist your sanity, earmurdock, I've come to report I'm having the same problem and have been for about 24 hours now (I think). Latest Flash on latest FF version. Ads work but not the games. Meanwhile, Shockwave or HTML5 is fine. At least we still have other options to procrastinate with. :)
Hey gang, I made a post on our official Facebook about why there have been so few browser games lately. I hope this clears things up!
Sorry if these questions has already been asked before, but how did the name JayisGames originate? Also, how many views does the sight receive daily on average? Lastly, where is JIG headquartered (do they offer tours)? I have been a huge fan of the website since sometime around 2008, and these questions have always bothered me. Thanks for any help, and keep up the good work JIG team!!!
JayisGames received its name because it was originally started as a personal blog by Jay over ten years ago. :) We have no headquarters... we're made up of freelancers who work remotely. I couldn't give you an accurate daily views list because ad blockers interfere with a specific tally. Analytics pegs it at around 60k a day. Hope that helps!
Hi cams! Unfortunately, the sheer volume of e-mails we get means it's impossible for us to respond to each one personally. (Additionally, the times I HAVE responded have not gotten any sort of response or indication that someone was interested in such feedback at all.) In this instance, one game was nearly a year old, while the other is six months old and unfortunately still not available for hosting in addition to being labeled as "beta", which is why I opted to wait and see where it went when I originally played it in February. Thanks for your interest. :)
1. Can we get rid of that Facebook link (which for some unfathomable reason comes up in French) right at the top of the right column? At the very least, can it be moved somewhere less in-your-face? Please?
2. Will the page with the full list of comments be coming back, and is there some temporary way to access it now?
Hi Reka!
1. It's weird that it's displaying as French for you. All I see is English! Sorry you dislike seeing it there. It's been on the bottom of the column for a long time, and since Facebook is important to help the site grow, we had to move it for better visibility.
2. Yes, as stated, all pages will be restored ASAP. The comments page is here:
Hi again guys. Just reiterating that the category and all other tabs will be back within the next few days as we've always planned. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thanks to everyone who has sent polite e-mails asking. As for the not-so-polite ones I've received, well, I'm sure you guys just hadn't had your coffee yet. :) Thanks for your patience!
Hello folks! In case you haven't noticed, all of our tabs are now back, though they're "nested" under the little tag icon beside the home tab. You can see them if you mouse over or click the icon. The reason they're hidden initially is because this should allow most games to load without you needing to scroll down. Please let us know if you find the mouse-over annoying or think the tag should be placed elsewhere! I wanted the mouse-over function because I wasn't sure it would be immediately clear to newcomers what that icon did and whether they would click it, but I also don't want it to be a pain for any of you.
Okay. If I knew what game this was, I'd post it in that game's post, but I don't know what game it is, which is why I'm posting here. I'm trying to think of a certain game, and I can't find it and it's driving me crazy.
It's a lemmings type game, where you assign different tasks to get the characters to a destination. I THOUGHT it was pipol destinations, because it has a similar name, but it's not that. And people were the main characters, not lemmings or meeblings, or any other made up character. I remember in one of the first levels,you had to build a bridge over a river, or something like that. Does anyone have any clue what game I'm talking about??
The headings for "Lo.Nyan's Room Escape 12" include the category tag "escape", but the game does NOT currently show up in a search on that tag.
I'm using my trusty bookmark,
I tried some of Lo.Nyan's other categories: same thing.
Hello! Thanks, but this is not a bug. :) Our tag listings usually take a day or so to update, due to the way our script building is optimized to make sure it doesn't interfere with the loading on the site. For example, Monkey GO Happy Dragon isn't currently displayed under its tags either, but likely will be later.
Hey guys, I just wanted to quickly talk about something new we're trying out. We get a TON of games submitted every week, and we find and discuss just as many ourselves when we're trying to decide what we want to review. A lot of the games don't make the cut, for a variety of different reasons, and in the past we would use Link Dump Friday to feature those, but there were still many more people recommended to us that wouldn't make it onto the site.
To that end, we're going to try something different. While you will still ONLY see games on the homepage that got their own reviews, we are going to start adding other games that people have suggested that aren't QUITE to the point of being reviewed, but we feel are still worth playing. They will show up under tag listings or their respective tab or category listing (escape,, etc) so as not to fill up the main page and allow you to only focus on reviews. These games will be accompanied by a simple description and a place for comments and discussion, will be clearly tagged, as well as any feedback you might want to provide for the game itself, or even just to argue for it getting a review if you feel it really deserves it.
To be clear, we're not looking to flood you with a ton of games with no quality control, and we still intend to focus on highlighting the gems with all the reviews we usually do, but we want to provide a place for developers to get feedback and players to still be able to check out and discuss the games that they submitted. We will, of course, continue to tweak and work with this to make sure you guys are happy with it. We expect some of you may not like this, while others have told us in the past they come here ONLY for games, and still others have suggested similar features. All we ask is, as usual, your patience and any helpful, constructive feedback you might have. :)
... and some calzones maybe.
I would like to add something. Sometimes, in Mac you may required to view the hidden system files to download some games. There is a simple app which may do these for you. If you feel like,visit
Hello Janet,
The game works well using chrome or opera:
If you played this game yesterday and can't play it now, I suggest to look with your antivirus software?
Thanks Katherine for the tip, for sure, it could help.
Hi, I just thought I'd report that I seem to be having the same problem as Janet, which also started yesterday for me. The page header loads, then there's a very consistent delay of 20 seconds (in Firefox; in IE it's more variable and only lasts 5-7 seconds) while my browser says it's transferring data from, and then everything else past the game loads, but no actual game.
It started on the weekend, when I was playing "Alice House No. 3" just fine. I finished it, then immediately went on to try the "Alexia Crow" game, and this problem started happening. I thought it was probably just a temporary glitch, probably on my end, so I left JIG and did something else. If it helps, "Idle Village" was the latest post at the time when this happened.
But today I'm still having this problem, even with Alice No. 3 and other games I've played just fine in the past. I normally use Firefox (currently v31.0), but I just tried with IE which I virtually never use, and I get exactly the same error. I've got the absolute latest version of Flash (, but I've had that for a little while now so it's probably not that.
Just like Janet, if I pull up the page source and go straight to the SWF file, that works fine.
I'm using Comodo Internet Security, but I'm not prepared to switch it off to see if that's the problem; it doesn't seem to be a problem for any other sites, anyway. I don't know where Janet is but I'm in Australia, just in case it's some kind of geolocation ad related thing.
FYI I get exactly the same loading problem as Nezuji described above in Firefox and in Chrome. I am not using Comodo so it's not that. I can play any of these games that I can find on other sites without problems so it's not my system or Flash or Firefox update.
I wonder how many others are experiencing this same problem and, like me, have been unable to log in to tell you about it.
Good luck in getting to the bottom of this.
to my knowledge I don't have any adblockers (if I do, they certainly don't do a very good job as I get plenty of ads!)
If it helps, I am also in Australia and it does seem to be the "transferring data from" where the loading goes off the rails. Then again this could be a red herring!
Thanks again for the information. It seems the problem could come from Google and our readers located in Australia as in France or USA, we do not meet the problem. I have replaced the code from Google (I tried with asynchronous while it was before synchronous) to see if it fixes that. The site is rebuilding, it takes around 3 hours so I will post a new message when it's done.
@Janet, Nezuji and Google Account (sorry I don't have your nickname) can you please test again?
For instance:
Hi Jeff
tried that link and refreshed several times, still not working
tried to get to some of the newer games but still no joy.
still can't sign in to JIG, have to go through google account hence the very ugly i.d.
It's the middle of the night in OZ so have to get some sleep.
hope there's someone else awake to help you out
ok thanks again. Well, I'm lost, I have no idea for the moment where the problem could come and of course it's a big issue for us. When you say, you can't sign in, what exactly, you meet as situation? Did you reach this page:
SWF games are still not loading from Thailand. Using OSX/Chromium.
Google fonts were in blocking stage for almost 40 seconds.
Everything worked fine couple of days ago. I managed to play Locom game at the time, but afterwards the game swf simply did not even start to load again.
Hi Jeff
yes I get to that page. I put in username and password. I click 'sign in' and it says 'connecting' then I go back to whatever page I was on and am not signed in. so I click the google account icon and sign in that way.
I've noticed that I am having trouble getting some games to load on some other sites now too and those ones have the google page ads in the loading sequence as well.
I might be pointing to them unjustly but just looking for anything that might help. Do you want screen shots or anything?
Hey Jeff, thanks for working on this.
I'm another in Oz who hasn't been able to play games on your site for the last day or so but can play the same ones on other sites.
XP SP3 fully patched
Chrome 37.0.2062.103 m OR
IE8 with latest Flash
AdBlock installed in Chrome but disabled for jayisgames
No Antivirus
Was last able to play 2 days ago but can't play that game or any other of the half-dozen I've tried from the front page.
Apart from a poss Chrome Auto-Update (don't usually notice), nothing has changed on my machine between working & not-working.
When I go to a game's page in Chrome I first get this then after about 15 sec this.
It's worse in IE where I get the first pic then after about 30 sec I get a msg from IE asking if I want to stop a script because it's causing IE to run slowly. It doesn't ID the script. When I say 'Yes' it crashes the tab which is then reloaded at the prev URL.
I reckon it's 'cos we're all pirates Down Under. Apparently ;-)
Hope this helps
Hi Heidi! Sorry you're having that issue. What Jeff actually said is that it looks like it IS afflicting those of you in Australia, since he is located in France and isn't encountering the problem. :)
We apologize to everyone having issues, and we're working to resolve the problem ASAP! Thanks for your patience.
I seem to be experiencing similar problems to the most recent commenters on this thread.
Can't load Flash or HTML5 games that are on jayisgames (can load games that link to other websites, such as Alice 3).
Chrome, Australia, Panda Antivirus, AdBlock is disabled. Cleared the cache and tried to make sure my plug-ins are up to date.
I've posted a couple of times about this in the comments for the games I've had issues on (e.g. Locom), but obviously this is the better place to post.
Screen loads something like this:
Interestingly, I tried loading Chainy Chisai to see if Html5 games work, and I could hear some music playing.
I have no idea what is causing this, but it kind of started happening not long after the issue with not being able to click the tabs at the top of the page was fixed.
Hi guys, just a quick note about League of Angels ads. While we have them banned from our ad rotation, unfortunately the ads which appear within games/before the loading of them are placed there by the developers and out of our control. At the moment, there is an issue where games (usually from portals like Newgrounds and Armor Games) that load ads for League of Angels may open a window to the League of Angels website instead of playing or advancing to the next level. This is not something we can change, unfortunately, and we're just as unhappy about it as you are. If you load a game and it displays an ad for League of Angels, you can refresh to get a different ad and the game should play fine. If this issue impacts you, I encourage you to send a POLITE AND EARNEST e-mail, as I have, to the CPMStar ad network (which delivers the ads and has a deal with League of Angels) asking them to reconsider the invasive way these particular ads are functioning.
As you know, ads are the way not only sites like ours survive, but also how developers get reimbursed for their hard work, so they're important in a big way to a lot of people and to your continued entertainment. We want to work with you AND developers and providers to ensure that the content you see is acceptable for everyone, and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Hello all,
With the assistance of many of you (sending us screenshots and doing tests for us) we think we have identified the problem with the games which can't be loaded.
It comes from an incompatibility between our different content delivery networks (especially the pre-roll ads) and areas in the world. It's something already appeared on JiG, I read Jay answering to different readers at the end of the page 1 and beginning of page 2 of this same support thread.
We sent a mail to the network ad but it seems they fixed the problem on their side. Feel free to tell us if you still meet problems or not.
I really would thank all the persons who helped us especially Carol, Heidi, Nezuji, Janet, Mark & Mattheu
Hi Jeff
yes I get to that page. I put in username and password. I click 'sign in' and it says 'connecting' then I go back to whatever page I was on and am not signed in. so I click the google account icon and sign in that way.
I've noticed that I am having trouble getting some games to load on some other sites now too and those ones have the google page ads in the loading sequence as well.
I might be pointing to them unjustly but just looking for anything that might help. Do you want screen shots or anything?
Is your display name has only numeric characters?
Much thanks to you Dora for all your hard work at constantly and consistently keeping your fans informed to all the goings on with this ever changing landscaped of a website. Also, thank you to all who contribute to JIG for your efforts in maintaining the higher standard of gaming reviews for all the serious gamers out there that want more than just a pic and a link of the thousands of games out there. You're the best!!!!
Dear JIG: terrific site as always, but I think sorting by rating might have a bug at the moment. If I go to (for instance) and click "Sort by Rating", the new URL is, which doesn't give any results. Should be something like instead, right?
I'm not able to sort some tags by rating. For example, if I click on the pointandclick tag and then "sort by rating," it seems to generate a bad URL.
specific example:
I am using Firefox.
Don't know where to post this and I'm sorry I don't feel like looking through 485 posts to see if it has been brought up, but many, many, many years ago I signed up with JIG through TypeKey, which is how I still log in today.
Anyway, on to my point: If I click on my name in the upper-right corner, it me to "" but this leads to a nonexistant page. It should like to ""
Because it's Type*Pad* now, not Type*Key*. :)
ecru, I have the same problem
If I go to the tag menu then puzzle I cannot sort by rating, but...
if I look up puzzle via the search and go to I can change it to sort by rating or rather "top rated"
So for now you can get around it.
The tag at the top of the page seems like a new feature that is being implemented. A couple weeks ago it would just take you to the home page if clicked instead of showing the dropdown menu.
Hi guys, I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about something we're going to be trying soon, which is the inclusion of reviews for larger commercial titles. Some of you have been against it, others have been for it, and the rest of you don't really care as long as nothing else changes. As for that last part, I promise you that is and will always be true. You will NOT see more than one to three of these reviews in a month barring anything amazing, and they WILL be held to the same high standards we do with all our other games, so the only time you see a review will be if, as always, we actually loved and enjoyed it. We are NOT soliciting or accepting any sort of reimbursement for these reviews, nor will we get any sort of affiliate revenue... they're just good games we want to talk about. What will also NEVER change, is we will NOT stop or in any way scale back all our coverage of free online games, indie games, casual games, and so forth. None of that is going anywhere or changing at all. We are, and always will be, focused on bringing you the best games of all types, and you can be assured that the browser and indie communities are always going to be our top priority! While not all of you will be happy with this addition, all we can do is thank you for your patience and say everything we do, we do with our community and the site's wellbeing in mind. Thanks for reading, and for your understanding.
Worked fine for a bit, but today, I got the same problem happening again. And yes. It's not just specific to the site, it's specific to the front page. Nowhere else, on or off the site, do I run into this problem.