Hi Fred,
Nothing has changed with respect to the game pages. The games are embedded exactly the same as before, and they're loading from the same content delivery network as before. You might try reinstalling Flash; disabling any browser extensions; try a different browser; or check your antivirus program to see if it's blocking content.


It's even more recent than the malware attack -- I could play games with no problems this morning (about 2am EST) -- but now the games won't load at all -- black box.

I can go directly to the original game site (addicting games, etc) and play, but nothing loads from JIG, even games I've already played.

Flash is up to date, have turned off plugins -- nothing changes.


I cannot reproduce what you're seeing. Nothing has changed on the site. If you see nothing but a black box that usually means that you have something installed on your computer that is preventing the pre-roll ad from displaying. If the ad can't play, the game will never load.

It's possible (but not probable) that our content delivery network is having problems in your area. If you navigate to pages of the site that you haven't visited recently and you notice that a lot of images are missing on the site, then please report back with the results of what you see when you visit this URL:


Also, try: (1) emptying your browser cache and reload; (2) try a different browser; (3) reinstall Flash Player even though you believe it's up to date.


Whatever it was is gone now...!


That's good news, thanks for the update. It's very possible that it was a pre-roll ad malfunctioning due to the advertiser's server being offline or other technical issue. If you have the issue again, please let me know and I'll contact my ad provider to let them know of the problem.


Will there be a BEST OF this year??? I know there wasn't one last year, and I'm sure many of us were disappoint, but will we have one this year?? O:


Now that I think about it, this probably wasn't the best place to post this question, was it?


We have a BEST OF every year. Best of 2011: https://jayisgames.com/best-of/2011/



like Fred and JustMe above, I only get a blank, black box when I try to load games on your site. I'm using Firefox on a Mac, and I've updated Flash.

It seems to be site-specific; over the weekend I could play Submachine 8 on Mateusz's site, but couldn't load it here. I can't load any of the Casual Game competition entries.

I do have adblocker, but it's been disabled for your site for a while and I've long been able to load games here . . . until at least this past weekend.




I have the same "black box" issue as vadasz.
I'm on Mac as well, I'm using Safari, FireFox, Camino. The problem appears no matter which browser I'm using :(

Regards :)


I also use Macs to maintain and test the site and I am not having the same issue.

Would you please report the following:

1) What version of Mac OS X you are using?

2) What version of Flash Player do you have installed?

It's possible that the version of Flash Player you have is old and the version of Mac OS X you have installed (10.5.x or earlier) is no longer supported by Flash Player, thus causing the issue you are now seeing.



I have a mac 10.5.8 running Flash 10.

Is it possible it could run Flash from some sites, but not others (for example, allowing me to load certain games off-site, but not the same games here)?



Well, yes, it is, depending on the implementation. The fact of the matter is that we are now beginning to see applications drop support for Leopard (Mac OS 10.5.x), which should be forcing those who have not upgraded yet to get a newer (and more secure) OS installed.

If you do not upgrade to the latest version of Flash Player (11.x) many games will be incompatible with your outdated version of Flash, and your Mac may be vulnerable to security deficiencies in the 10.x version that is only available for 10.5.x Macs.

In any event, I have made a change to the game pages that should allow older Macs to continue to play. However, I strongly urge and encourage you to upgrade your Mac as soon as you can.


Hi Jay,

thanks so much for the fix - just had a quick look and the games seem to be loading now.

And thanks for the advice - my partner's been banging on about upgrading for a while now, so it looks like it'll finally happen this weekend. (can't tell her it's the games that made me do it!)



Yeee! No problem loading and playing the games anymore :))
Thank you, Jay!!

I should upgrade soon though..


https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawn8sQhT_3_OF1E3F-9N-OkrzUASnuoxTaw October 6, 2012 3:22 AM

I wish you would update game information when the Mac version of a
PC game is released. I'm surprised BFG doesn't ask you to do this; it certainly would enhance their sales.


We generally do update the reviews with Mac links when they become available. I might miss one occasionally, but I do try to keep the site updated and current. If you notice one that's missing, please do let us know.


Do you think developers will start building their games to be viewed in full-screen? I love escape games and just wish I could blow it up to fill my screen.

https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlV3_ckJLM7AZiBob_Gid-Zx7W7nsTEkGQ October 24, 2012 11:31 AM

I'm getting the same black box problems as others have posted about. It started last night and nothing new has been added or updated for about a week. It sometimes would load after I refreshed the page half a dozen times or more. With as many people as are complaining about the problem, I think it is not just on the user end. You might want to let your ad provider know about this because it might be them if not you or me.

I'm running Flash 11.5 on Chrome. I get the same problem on another browser (IE 9 - not a big fan of firefox personally).
I've un-installed and re-installed Flash, cleared my browser, and reloaded the page. and still get a black box.
I clicked the debug link and am getting "You are hitting the NetDNA New York Datacenter" (if that helps).

Let me know if there is anything else I should try.


I'm sorry you've experienced issues playing games on JIG. I've just made a change to the embed code on the site's game pages today. Please let me know if you continue to see the black box issue. Also, please give me a URL to the game you experienced the issue so I can try to reproduce the same issue you're seeing.

https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlV3_ckJLM7AZiBob_Gid-Zx7W7nsTEkGQ October 24, 2012 10:29 PM

What ever the problem was, it seems to be self-aware. I played several games without any problems right after I posted.

LEGITTRYHARD14 October 26, 2012 11:53 AM

Hey I wanna have my Facebook name where it says LEGITTRYHARD14... And I don't know how to do it...


To log in using Facebook:

Click "Sign out " in the upper right corner of the JIG site page. Then select "Sign in" and a sign in box should pop up.

A column along the right gives a list of sign in options below the words "Sign in using...." Select "Facebook" from that list and it should guide your steps from there.

LEGITTRYHARD14 October 26, 2012 1:59 PM

Kk thank you


Hey JIG. A crazy idea. What if we could bookmark beyond our favorites? I find myself with less time to play everything when I visit JIG, but then I come back and it's scrolled off the page. That's kind of the nature of the beast, so maybe there'd be a way to magically power-up or something.



Hey guys, I have an image I want to submit to a walkthrough but I can't figure out how :(

I didn't see it in the FAQs, or in the comments here, sorry if I missed it somewhere.


And is there a maximum size of an image you can upload?

elle October 31, 2012 4:52 AM replied to Syrick

Hi Syrick,

To use an image in your walkthrough, you'll need to host it yourself or on a common image hosting site such as image shack, etc.. If you're interested in regularly writing walkthroughs for JIG, how about sending in your inquiry and walkthrough sample? There's more information about that in this post from Jay. Things are a bit busy around here with wet weather and all, but hopefully that'll get you going in the right direction.


Thanks for the response elle, I just wasn't sure because I've seen people commenting with images that people have then used for a walkthrough.


I just tried to post a comment and while I was able to preview it okay, when I tried to submit it, I got the following message:
No such entry '12541', and the comment would not post.


Hi Zeke, the developer of A Man's Quest, the game you were commenting on, asked me to take down the review while he sorts out the issue that Firefox has running the game. I'll republish it once it's fixed. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Hummmm. My previous post was regarding "A Man's Quest", and when I tried to back up to it, the page appears to be gone. Which is what was probably causing my inability to post!

In the words of the immortal Roseanne Rosanadana... Nevermind!


Whether I'm logged into my account or not, my browser does not show a "Chat" option under the Help Squad tab in the top bar of the site.

I am also trying to reach the IRC via my client (which is PChat Portable), and am having trouble doing that as well.

I add a network to my Network List called "irc.jayisgames.com" and edit its settings. I add a server called "irc.jayisgames.com" and add "#casualgameplay" to a channel list which the client says it'll open as soon as it connects.

I then go back to the Network List, choose the irc.jayisgames.com network I just, made, hit Connect, and the client says the following things:

Looking up irc.jayisgames.com
Connecting to irc.jayisgames.com ( port 6667...
Connection failed. Error: Connection timed out
Cycling to next server in irc.jayisgames.com...
Disconnected ().

It cycles through this with a period of a few minutes until I tell it to stop trying.

I'm guessing I need to set a different port than 6667 (which seems to be default), but I don't know.

Could you help with these two issues?


Hi Aexis, we discontinued the IRC chat channel several months ago, and we removed the option from the menu. We hope to have a new chat option again someday, but for now there is no chat option supported on the site.


I heart you, JiG, but the new wide images on every review are a big thumbs down. Nevermind the bandwidth hog; if you don't lead with the... lede, it makes it look like every review is an ad for the game.

(I beg you to resist the new pro-pictograph, anti-reading design fad. You guys give good text.)


Hi Shudog, I appreciate the feedback and I'm sorry you do not like the new format. The changes were necessary to make all of our reviews follow the same consistent format. This will allow for a mobile optimized site coming later this year.



Where did the review/discussion go?

It does not seem to be there any more, though it still plays.


I temporarily unpublished it due to the wrong version being up. Dallas, the developer, sent me an update that fixes the issue with non-Chrome browsers, and I'm working on getting that up and then I'll republish the review. :)


Thanks Jay

I shall wait before I get much further in, really enjoying it so far:)

I even resorted to using Chrome for it!

Meterman70 February 10, 2013 8:31 PM

I simply cannot think of ANY other place to submit this - so forgive the "link drop".

This may be something that hardcore room escape game addicts may want to look into - if they haven't chanced across it; a chance for a real-life room escape: http://realescapegame.com/rersf1/

enthersline March 5, 2013 11:16 PM

Hi guys, I just wanted to know if I were to submit a user-submitted review for a game, what would my chances of being published be? I suppose I'm also asking in a sense how many submissions you get daily, but thank you for any support!


Your chances depend on how well it's written and whether you have any connection to the game being reviewed. Also, the game should be recommendable by our standards, though that is a bit subjective. We cannot promise you we will publish your review, but we will certainly take a look and let you know, that's the best I can offer you.

We get a lot of game submissions daily, but user-submitted reviews are rare.

Thanks for your interest! :)


Sup, JIG. The comment preview dropped me into a text-only page, and then submitting a comment also dropped into all the comments in text-only. Went back to the page, and comment appeared fine, it just took away the usefulness of previewing (spoiler tags stripped). That was just now; twas fine earlier.


Hi Shudog,

Unless there was maybe an HTML error on the page, it was probably just a browser glitch or hiccup. Try emptying your browser cache and reload.

Otherwise, let me know what page it was you were commenting on and I'll examine it to be sure there's no HTML errors contained therein. Also, please specify what browser/OS you are using.


Hello, since a week the homepage is shown staggered/shifted on the left side(English is not my mother tongue) for Firefox 20. Chrome is showing the homepage properly.


I'm not seeing the same thing in Firefox. Try emptying your browser cache and reload the site.

If you still have issues, would you please send us a screenshot of what you're seeing?


thank you. clearing the cache made the site appear as normal.

https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmhlDSgD3T4dIAtr_ezSktLa__Lslb2A80 April 7, 2013 3:20 AM

Hello, Jay,

I was wondering -- would it be considered copyright infringement to record a playthrough of one of these games and upload it to YouTube? I was hoping to make a playthrough of The House for fun, but I didn't want to violate any laws against doing so.

Thank you for your time!

~ Kamiette


Hi Kamiette,
Although I really don't know how copyright affects game playthrough movies, I don't think doing so violates any copyright laws, because I see people posting playthroughs on YouTube all the time for a lot of different games. And yet I believe YouTube prohibits you from publishing videos to a commercial channel, where you can make money on ads, containing copyrighted material, so there's that to consider.

wildflower12 April 11, 2013 10:42 AM

There are quite a few games that I can't play through Casual Games because it won't show the whole screen. Is there a quick fix that I am missing? Often the game will open up and the "Play" button will be somewhere off screen and I have to open the game from a different website.


Hi wildflower12, we actually have an FAQ that addresses that at the top of this page. The issue has to do with your browser's ZOOM setting. If you reset your browser's zoom to actual size, or 100%, then you won't see those issues when playing games here.

Here's a link to the FAQ that addresses zoom:

curiousdannii May 13, 2013 4:06 AM

It seems like every game I try is not being displayed properly, with part of the flash plugin being cropped. I'm on Chrome 26.


There is an FAQ at the top of this page that addresses the issue you're describing. It has to do with your browser being zoomed. Set it to actual size and the issue will disappear.

Fred M. Sloniker May 16, 2013 3:41 AM

I apologize if this isn't the best place to ask, but it's the only place I could find.

I remember you having a game here that was a sort of massively multiplayer block-based level construction game. You had a fairly small avatar who'd wander around in these big, expansive levels in a tile-based way, trying to solve puzzles or check out the scenery or what have you, and you could also build your own levels and invite people to check them out. It wasn't just disconnected level things, though; there was a sort of world that had been built up and ways to find interesting levels. Do you know what I might be thinking of?


I'm getting the "blank white box" issue. Usually there'll be an advertisement, maybe a loading screen if I'm very lucky. It's only on Jayisgames, on firefox and chrome. I'm using windows 7 and flash 11.7. The exact same games load properly on other websites, e.g. kongregate. Please advise!

keeggeek974 May 21, 2013 4:25 PM

How do I switch back to regular flash player? Now instead of loading games normally it is loading in something called "playwire", which seems like a live streaming service. Which unfortanly is not loading correctly. No games whatsoever are loading now.


Today we switched to a new version of the video ad player that displays before the games on the site, the old version is no longer being supported.

The new player has been tested successfully in all major browsers on both Mac and Windows.

What OS/Browser/Flash Player versions are you using?
Be sure to disable any ad/script blockers you may have running.


When testing games in Windows 7 and Flash 11.7, I am not seeing the same issue you're seeing. All the games I've tested load and display normally.

Which game(s) is(are) not loading for you?

Stachey May 21, 2013 5:40 PM

In the past couple of days I've been blocked from playing games because of a program, I'll guess it's an ad, from Playwire. There's a black box and a spinning segmented octagon in the upper right corner. Nothing happens.

When I cursor over the window I see the video controls at the bottom with a Play arrow, timer bar, sound, HD selector, Playwire link and fullscreen button.

Why won't it load on my computer? Adblocker? Virus scanner? I'm puzzled. I've tried it on Firefox, Chrome and IE with no joy.


Hi Stachey, the new video player was implemented only just today, so I don't see how you could have seen it before now. In any event, try emptying your browser cache and reload the site.

As I have mentioned in the comments above, I have tested the new video player in all the major browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) on both Windows 7 and Mac OS X, and the video player functions normally without issue.

If you do have an adblocker active, you should deactivate it when playing free online games at Jayisgames, or it will likely prevent the games from loading properly.

keeggeek974 May 21, 2013 6:17 PM

Chrome 26
Windows 7
I just disabled my ad-blocker, still nothing.
The octagon in the upper right corner just keeps spinning, and spinning, and spinning.

keeggeek974 May 21, 2013 6:19 PM

I'm having the same problem as Stachey, I see the same thing that Stachey see's also


Did you try emptying your browser cache and reload?

keeggeek974 May 21, 2013 7:19 PM

Yes I've tried that. I've even tried firefox. Still nothing :(.


I cannot reproduce this issue, but I'll continue to look into what it could be. In the meantime, are you sure you don't have something installed that might block an ad from being delivered? Because that's what's being attempted when the spinner is spinning like that.

Stachey May 21, 2013 8:18 PM

I have very strict controls on my Firefox browser which is why I also try Chrome (without add-ons) and IE (ditto). No luck.

I noticed it a couple of days ago on the Gamershood site (Playwire) and blew it off as an anomaly, similar to the Find the Escape Men which I haven't been able to play for months. I'm thinking that there's more than just showing an ad, which Chrome and IE both do. Guessing it's something my AV software is blocking, whether it's tracking cookies or other info it's trying to grab or install.


I'm confused, so are Chrome and IE both working for you, or not? The "No luck" comment seemed to be contradicted by you later saying that Chrome and IE both do (show an ad).

And I can assure you that the Playwire video player is not trying to grab or install anything. It's an industry standard piece of tech for distributing video.


>When testing games in Windows 7 and Flash 11.7, I am not seeing the same issue you're seeing. All the games I've tested load and display normally.

>Which game(s) is(are) not loading for you?

Nothing in flash. Unity may also not be working. Grabbing the first few links from the main page for examples:
Misadventure (https://jayisgames.com/games/misadventure/) and Canvasser (https://jayisgames.com/games/canvasser/) aren't working. Castle Mine Demo (https://jayisgames.com/games/castle-mine-demo/) isn't working either ("Failed to download data file"). Candy Box (https://jayisgames.com/games/candy-box/) is working fine, though. Misadventure and Canvasser work fine on Newgrounds and Kongregate, respectively.

Seems the problem is specific to my computer and jayisgames.com, not the games, my browser, or my flash installation. Clearing the cache doesn't do anything, and there seems to be plenty of space allotted for local storage. Any ideas?


No flash games work.
For examples:
Canvasser and Misadventure do not work. They do work on Newgrounds and Kongregate, though.
Castle Mine doesn't work either - "Failed to download data file".
Candy Box does work, however.

The issue seems to be specific to my computer and jayisgames.com, not the games, the flash installation, or the browser. Any ideas?


Hi Will, can you tell me where you are located? Also, what data center are you hitting when going to this URL: http://debug.netdna-cdn.com/ Thanks!

Stachey May 22, 2013 12:20 PM

To clarify, both Chrome and IE will show me ads but won't load the Playwire games from JIG. If I go to the Gamershood site on Firefox I get the same spinning octagon in the black box. If I go there on Chrome or IE I get two frames, the actual flash game in one frame with the black Playwire spinning octagon frame directly above or below the game. And the game is playable although it's irritating unless you scroll the octagon out of sight.

I'm hitting the Atlanta Datacenter.


Thanks, Stachey.

Anyone reporting issues, please, I also need to know: OS/version, browser/version, and Flash Player version.

keeggeek974 May 23, 2013 1:48 PM

OS Windows 7
Chrome 26
Flash 11


Thanks, but what specific version of Flash? The latest is 11.7+


Would anyone who was having issues with games loading with the new Playwire video player please try this test page and report any issues? Thank you! :)


keeggeek974 May 23, 2013 3:21 PM

I have the latest version.

keeggeek974 May 23, 2013 3:24 PM

Tried the test link! Works fine!

[Thank you! :) -Jay]


I'm hitting the NetDNA New York Data Center. I'm located in Cambridge, MA. That test link you posted also doesn't work - the ad plays, then there's a white box.



Thanks, Will, but I still need to know: OS, browser and Flash Player versions, please.

Stachey May 23, 2013 8:40 PM

I tried your link for Fireboy/Watergirl but only played one level. Were we supposed to finish the whole game? (I did that earlier) I didn't see any Playwire insert when I clicked the link in Firefox. Other browser results below.

Vista Home Premium Ver 6.0 (Build 6002; SP2)
Flash 11,7,700,202
Firefox 17.0 - FB/WG worked fine
Chrome 26.0.1410.64m - FB/WG worked fine
IE - 9.0.8112.16421 - nope, black w. spinning octagon
Opera - 12.12 - got a quick flash of the Playwire screen then the game opened and replaced the black screen.

Hope this helps.


Wow! Thank you, Stachey! :)

No, you didn't actually have to play the game at all, just make sure the game would load and be playable.

Thank you very much for all the details, it's very helpful and very much appreciated! :D

beatrixkiddo May 27, 2013 7:34 AM

Hi, I had purchased Delicious - Emily's Childhood Memories Premium Edition in 2011. I recently tried to download the game but the downloader is not able to activate the game - it keeps saying that it is not connected to the Internet. Can you please let me know how to re-activate the game? I tried excluding the game .exe file from my firewall and antivirus and that didn't work either. Any help will be appreciated.

beatrixkiddo June 3, 2013 10:26 AM

Hi Jay and team, any response to my query above? I had purchased Delicious Childhood Memories Premium Edition through casualgameplay.com and am finding it difficult to re-download the game. Can you please help me out?


beatrixkiddo -
You should contact GameHouse.com as that's the site we had affiliated with for that particular title. Hopefully they'll be able to help you out with downloading the game again :)

beatrixkiddo June 6, 2013 4:23 AM

Thanks Kyh! I'll do that


Just downloaded Virtual Families 2 on my Andriod and I got so far.. About 20 minutes again everything was find then when I went on everything was gone... Just before that my people were fine, healthy and happy then everything was gone... I would like to know if theres anyway I could get my game back... If not then Im just gonna delete the game... I es spent enough time getting a far as I did... Please help me...


@Sausha Sounds like something a little more complex than we could deal with. LDW's forum doesn't have anything for that specific issue, so I suggest you submit a support ticket with them and see if they can resolve it.


I am playing Dreamland on my iPad and am on one of the last tasks. The rabbit in the hat. I have tried everything to cast the spell to get the flowers, but it is not working. All forums say to "click and hold down left mouse" while waving the wand in the directions outlined in the magic book, however I obviously can't do that as I am playing on iPad. Any work around solutions or a way I can skip this task?


Karen Hodson -

I'm going to answer your question on the page for the game so you can check that section and picture in the walkthrough. https://jayisgames.com/archives/2011/06/dreamland.php

neo1973 June 26, 2013 1:09 PM

Jay et al,
Are you abandoning the "Weekday Escape" as such, with a Wednesday headline banner? I have noticed that the Wednesday escape has been intermittent of late, and most definitely without banner.

I hope that is not the case, as we all love the weekday escape and look forward to it very much.

Thank you

ladysuebug71 June 26, 2013 5:19 PM

I'm using android phone, downloaded game 06/25/2013 why can't I save, I had my person picked, and advanced in career. when I went to game today I had to select new person and start over, and the person I had selected wasn't available, or at least I couldn't find her again. should be a save button.


No escape Wednesday day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I know there are none out there - I looked ..

But a sad panda Wednesday ... happy non escape day to all JIG Guys and Gals


ladysuebug71 -

You didn't mention what game you are playing, so it might not have the capability to save it.

I do understand though that Google has something called cloud save that you can set up, so you might want to contact them.


I've got a strange problem. I've signed in to JayIsGames using my Facebook account, and my name is written in English there, but when I post comments it writes a bunch of "?" instead of my name in the "Posted by:" part. Is there any way to fix that?


Howdy JiG. I'm cruising https://jayisgames.com/browser/all-games -- have a request.

Could you please have more games per page in the search results? I mean, I'm only looking at browser games, and after three pages I'm barely out of last month. All this white space underneath. I'm sure web design dudes will disagree, but having to click and click and click when the blurbs are already tiny is kind of a drag. I expected it to be meted out more like https://jayisgames.com/browser/tag/escape with all those games on only six tabs. More conducive to, uh, browsing. Hey, I'm a digger -- not remembering or knowing what you're looking for, it gets unpleasant when the results are chopped up. (For instance, whipping out a quick browser-find for "ninja" for that one game you recall in April or May would be impossible. Or you took a six week vacation and want to catch up with JiG.) And finding a single specific answer isn't the same as perusing for a game to pique one's interest.


Hi everyone,

Regarding Weekday Escape, the only change we are making is to lose the banner. You will still get an escape game each week... as long as we can find a game that we think deserves it! This past Wednesday we decided to skip the feature rather than post something we felt was mediocre or too flawed just to have the page up. Weekday Escape will return this week!

Hi Shudog! I'll forward your question on to our magical tech wizard and see if this is possible. :)


Hi, any chances to relaunch the IRC channels again? -Vike91


What happened to BWOL!

I was really excited to see it earlier and ran through the tutorial to refresh myself, and now I come to get stuck in for a bed time session and, if I am not much mistaken, it is gone.../cry


yaddab -

If you mean Blocks With Letters On 4, it's been pulled until we get a fixed version without bugs.


I have been playing Solitaire Blitz for months and have been stuck on the islands that include Grenada. I have over 3 million points but can't get out of the three islands that keep repeating. This is very monotonous, and I know that you have created other places to go, but somehow I seem doomed to keep visiting the same places over and over. How do I get to somewhere new?
