Diamond Penthouse Escape 2
A couple of months ago we welcomed a new room escape designer into the fold, TeraLumina, and we said then that we were looking forward to more. It's a few months later and more has definitely happened! TeraLumina is back with Diamond Penthouse Escape 2, and it's all kinds of good all up in the house. Or penthouse, as the case may be. Time to go searching for treasure! This designer certainly has a thing for gemstones, doesn't he?
Diamond Penthouse Escape 2 is definitely an improvement on Ruby Loft Escape, the last featured game by this designer. For one, TeraLumina has made the leap into true three dimensional space this time around, giving us a room that we can navigate rather than a single point-of-view. There are more puzzles, more places to explore, and yes, more diamonds to find in this fantastic little mid-week break. Navigation is the standard bars at the edges of the screen, and the blessed relief of the changing cursor means that the gamer spends more time worrying about the puzzles involved than pixel hunting.
The visuals are quite lovely and are a nice touch, although the music loop is short and quickly annoying. You won't see puzzles with the complexity of, say, Neutral, but what is there is fun and involving and perfect for a quick escape. TeraLumina has also included a fun fake-out along with one of the more bizarre room escape endings we've seen here at Weekday Escape. In this case Marilyn Monroe said it best, "A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but diamonds are a girl's best friend."
Walkthrough Guide
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Diamond Penthouse Escape 2 Walkthrough
Posted by: grinnyp | September 14, 2011 4:00 AM