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Find the Escape-Men 49: In a Hut

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Find the Escape-Men 49: In a Hut

SonicLoverThere's nothing unfamiliar about the setup of Find the Escape-Men 49: In a Hut. You're trapped in a room and have to escape from it, which you do by navigating around, collecting and using items, and solving puzzles left and right, all with the usual mouse controls. Since this is a Find the Escape-Men game, you have to find 10 green men before you can pull off your great escape. However, it shouldn't take long to realize that something is a little... off... about our escaper. (Seriously, who does that when examining a bucket?) To say any more would spoil the surprise.

I feel we could feature more work from No1Game, since what they do, they do well. Their puzzles are original and logical yet not too frustrating, there's no tear-your-hair-out pixel-hunting, and there's just the right amount of whimsy holding it all together. Part of the fun is figuring out why the protagonist is behaving so curiously; trust me, you'll burst out laughing when it clicks (no pun intended). The game's only drawback is that it's a little short- you'll probably be done in less than half an hour—so if you came here looking for something lengthy, keep looking. If you're interested in a short but sweet distraction, though, this is it. Just don't forget to click "English" on the title screen, unless you can read Japanese.

Play Find the Escape-Men 49: In a Hut

Walkthrough Guide

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Find the Escape-Men 49: In a Hut Walkthrough
The Men

  1. The door, obviously, is locked. Bang on it a few times to knock the battery down from the doorframe, then pick it up.

  2. Look under the food bowl to find a button cell.

  3. Look in the white cabinet. Behind one door is a blue bucket, and behind the other is a can of green soda.

  4. Examine the bucket. Click the top of it to go blind... or something. Click around randomly in the darkness until you can see again.

  5. Examine the bucket again. This time, check the bottom of it and get the Escape-Man.

  6. Now examine the can of soda. Click on it to... punch two holes in it?

  7. Now look behind the white cabinet (click just to its left) to find a bone. Examine the bone and click it repeatedly until it breaks in half; another Escape-Man is yours.

  8. Turn right to find a bookshelf and a chest of drawers.

  9. We'll start with the drawers. The bottom drawer contains a pet toilet (click the top of the bag to open it), the middle drawer is empty, and the top drawer... won't open.

  10. Look to the left of the drawers and press the "OPEN" button. You can now open the top drawer, so do so to get the bag of dog food (again, click the top to open it).

  11. Now, the bookshelf. Click the dark green book on the top shelf to take it. Hey, I recognize that book from Cogito Ergo Sum's work! Open the book and take the Escape-Man on the left page.

  12. Look on the left side of the bookshelf for another Escape-Man.

  13. Turn back to the left and pour the pet food into the bowl, then click on it repeatedly to eat it all up. Wait, what?

  14. Check the pet food bag again and take the Escape-Man inside.

  15. Turn left from the door. That looks like where the pet toilet should go, so stick it there.

  16. Look behind the yellow frame where you put the pet toilet for another battery.

  17. Note that you can't see the ceiling from this view. Look up to see an Escape-Man in a rather out-of-reach position.

  18. That skill book talked about how to jump really high, didn't it? Maybe it's for dogs, but I'm beginning to wonder. Use the book on the Escape-Man to nab it.

  19. Look down again, and turn left to see a table and some boxes, as well as a poster.

  20. That Escape-Man on the poster would be valuable if it was green. Splash some melon soda on it to dye it, then take it for your collection.

  21. Look on top of the table for another button cell.

  22. Look in the "Jake's trash" box for an Escape-Man and a portable game machine.

  23. Examine the game machine. Put the two button cells in the back, and a gray Escape-Man will appear on the screen. Hmm...

  24. I think I see something white on the top of the game machine. Click there to see a "COLOR" switch. Turn on the switch and the Escape-Man on the screen will become green and collectible. Nab it.

  25. Now check the "Dad's Trash" box for a mysterious machine marked "Mosaic remover".

  26. Examine the machine and put the batteries in it. Now we just need a mosaic to remove.

  27. Turn around a few times. At some point when you face the door, you should end up depositing... something... on the pet toilet.

  28. Hey... I think that qualifies as a mosaic. Use the mosaic remover on the pixelated thing on the pet toilet to erase it, revealing the final Escape-Man. Take it!

The Escape

  1. When you collect the last Escape-Man, they'll all combine into one... green, pixelated thing. Huh?

  2. Use the mosaic remover on the green thing to reveal its identity as a giant Escape-Man.

  3. Wait... don't Escape-Men usually face the other way? Click it to turn it around and reveal a four-digit number.

  4. Copy that four-digit number to the front of the trunk marked "John's trash" to unlock it. (It's the same every game, but you really shouldn't be reading ahead like this.)

  5. Inside the trunk, you'll find a pullworker, apparently used for exercise. You can't do much with it, so give it to the large Escape-Man.

  6. Whoa... that was... kind of awesome. Too bad he left you behind. And all you've got left is... wait a second, that's exactly what you need!

  7. Use the skill book on the hole in the ceiling to jump to freedom!

My very first attempt at this, so be kind.

*Make sure to click "English" on the start screen*



Begin facing the door, dish, and white cabinet. You can see something on the door jamb, but how to get it?


Knock on the door several times and it will come down. Now you have a battery!

Click the bowl to zoom in.
Click again to find a button cell.
Zoom back out.
Now click on the left door of the white cabinet. Take the bucket.
Click the right hand door and take the melon soda.
Hidden area #1:


Click the left side of the white cabinet and take the bone.

Turn Right


Now you are facing a brown dresser and a blue bookshelf.
Click the dresser to zoom in.
Click the top drawer; it doesn't open.


Click the left side of the dresser, where you'll find an "open" button. Press this to release the top drawer.
Open the top drawer and take Pet food.

Open the middle drawer; empty.
Open the bottom drawer and take the Pet Toilet.
Zoom back out.
Click the top shelf of the book shelf and get "How to High Jump".
Hidden area #2:


Click the left side of the bookshelf.
Escape Man get! (#1)

Turn Right


In this view we have a poster with an Escape Man outline, what appears to be a trunk, and a table with two boxes underneath.
Click on the Escape Man poster; nothing.
Click on the trunk and find that John keeps his trash in there. It requires a four digit code that we don't have yet. We'll come back to it.
Click on Dad's trash. Grab the Mosaic Remover. Zoom out.
Click on Jake's trash.
Escape Man get! (#2)
Also, grab the portable game machine from the box. Zoom out.
Hidden area #3:


Click on the top of the table. Take button cell #2. Now we have a pair! Zoom out.

Turn right.


In this view we see a yellow rectangle on the ground. Also, this is the first view that we can't see the ceiling in.
Hidden area #4:


Click the top of the screen in the corner of the wall.
Escape man... see. We can't reach him up there, stuck in the spider web. Zoom out.

Hidden area #5:


Click the area where the right edge of the yellow box meets the bottom of the wall. There you'll find the other battery. Now you have a pair of these as well!

Now its time to solve some puzzles! Turn right to return to the opening screen.

Puzzle solving and Escape


Zoom in on the Pet food by clicking the question mark in the lower right corner. Now click the top of the bag to open it. Finally, with the opened Pet food selected, click on the blue bowl to place the food in there.
Hmmm, a bowl full of dog food; I wonder who that is for?


Click the pile of dog food: CHOMP CHOMP!! Well, might as well finish it now.

Zoom out.
Might as well explore the rest of the items in our inventory while we're here.
Interesting... the pet food is still in our inventory. Click ? to open it up.


Click the top of the bag again.
Escape Man get! (#3)
Close this item

Click ? on the Bone to open it. Hmmmm, dog food and a bone. Well, I ate the dog food, might as well give this a try.


Click the bone while its opened and it cracks. Keep clicking to split the bone in two.
Escape Man get! (#4)

Click ? on the Melon Soda.
Click the can itself. Did you just vampire bite the soda can? Hmmm, click to close the soda.
Click ? on the Mosaic Remover.


Click the side of the Remover to flip it over and reveal a battery compartment. Looks the perfect size for some AA's. Now, where can I get... Oh! Right there next to the Remover.
With the remover selected and flipped, click the batteries to select them, and then click the Remover again.
Viola, working Remover. Now if we only knew what it was for.

Click ? on the Pet Toilet, then click the package itself. Hmmm, a large rectangular... something. We'll save that for now
Click ? on the bucket.


Now click the top of the bucket. Hey! Who turned out the lights!
How the heck *click* *click*... AHHHH, finally! Not going to try that again.


Let's see what's on the bottom of the bucket.
Escape Man get! (#5)

Click the ? on the High Jump book.


Now click the book again to open it.
Escape Man get! (#6)
Close the book.

Only one thing left to explore in inventory. Click the ? on the game.


Click the right side to flip it over and find a battery compartment.
Those look an awful lot like button cells. Click on the button cells to select them, then click the game again to insert them. Perfect fit!
Let's flip it over and see what happened.
Escape Man... hey, he's gray, and when I click him it just flips the game back over.


There appears to be something on the top edge of the game... see that white sliver? Let's click it.
An on-off switch and the word "Color". Go ahead and click the switch and then the front of the game again.
He's green now!
Escape Man get!(#7)

There doesn't seem to be anything else in this scene, so turn right twice to face the Escape Man poster.


Well, we just learned that an Escape Man is no good unless he's green, so a blank outline does us no good.
Do we have any way to make him green?


Use the Melon Soda on the poster to make it green. Then click the escape man to take him
Escape Man get!(#8)

There doesn't seem to be anything else we can do in this scene now. Turn right.


At this point, its a pretty safe bet that the rectangular Pet Toilet goes into the yellow box, so go ahead and select it from inventory an place it there.
While we're here, we can also grab the spider web Escape Man.


Lucky for us, we read that book on high jumping, so just click on the book to select it and click on the Escape Man to grab him.
Escape Man get! (#9)


Well, that seems to cover our inventory and the object we can interact with. Did we miss something?
Go ahead and click right again. Keep clicking until... WHAT WAS THAT!
UGH! That dog food didn't sit so well. And it looks like we've left a mosaic mess...


I bet that Mosaic Remover is just the thing we need for this. Click the Remove to select it and then click on the mess.
Escape Man get! (#10)

Um, what just happened to our Escape men? They just melted into a green mosaic blob, and we know what to do with Mosaic blobs, right?


Click the remover again, and zap the mosaic blob.


Well, we've done and seen everything in the room. Well, except for John's trash locker.
We've read the book.
We're NOT going to put that bucket on our head again.
What about...


the escape man10?
Click ? on the escape man, then click him again when selected.
A four digit code! Perfect!

Enter the four digit code to open the trunk.
Click inside the trunk.
A Pullworker.
Hmmm, clicking it doesn't seem to do anything. Its not interacting with anything in the environment. I wonder if


escape man could use it? Let give it to him and find out. Select the pullworker and combine it with the escape man.

Great, Escape man is out and left a giant hole in your ceiling.
A giant hole.
And I can jump high.


Select the jump book and click the hole in the ceiling.
Ahhh, sweet escape!


Anyone else having issues with it loading? Using firefox here.


Switched over to IE9, loaded fine.



Up to 8, buuut stuck now :(


I've got 9 men, but no combo for the foot locker.


Cute game. Didn't have too much trouble with it.


Alright, figured it out.

Fun little game



Have you looked ...


up when facing the litter box?

donhuando January 30, 2013 2:05 AM

I need some help.


I don't know what to do with the bucket.
I don't know the 4-digit code

donhuando January 30, 2013 2:11 AM

Never mind.
I just missed something and now found it.

xxiloveroomescapexx January 30, 2013 2:24 AM

Very nice game for a little break.


My very first attempt at this, so be kind.

*Make sure to click "English" on the start screen*



Begin facing the door, dish, and white cabinet. You can see something on the door jamb, but how to get it?


Knock on the door several times and it will come down. Now you have a battery!

Click the bowl to zoom in.
Click again to find a button cell.
Zoom back out.
Now click on the left door of the white cabinet. Take the bucket.
Click the right hand door and take the melon soda.
Hidden area #1:


Click the left side of the white cabinet and take the bone.

Turn Right


Now you are facing a brown dresser and a blue bookshelf.
Click the dresser to zoom in.
Click the top drawer; it doesn't open.


Click the left side of the dresser, where you'll find an "open" button. Press this to release the top drawer.
Open the top drawer and take Pet food.

Open the middle drawer; empty.
Open the bottom drawer and take the Pet Toilet.
Zoom back out.
Click the top shelf of the book shelf and get "How to High Jump".
Hidden area #2:


Click the left side of the bookshelf.
Escape Man get! (#1)

Turn Right


In this view we have a poster with an Escape Man outline, what appears to be a trunk, and a table with two boxes underneath.
Click on the Escape Man poster; nothing.
Click on the trunk and find that John keeps his trash in there. It requires a four digit code that we don't have yet. We'll come back to it.
Click on Dad's trash. Grab the Mosaic Remover. Zoom out.
Click on Jake's trash.
Escape Man get! (#2)
Also, grab the portable game machine from the box. Zoom out.
Hidden area #3:


Click on the top of the table. Take button cell #2. Now we have a pair! Zoom out.

Turn right.


In this view we see a yellow rectangle on the ground. Also, this is the first view that we can't see the ceiling in.
Hidden area #4:


Click the top of the screen in the corner of the wall.
Escape man... see. We can't reach him up there, stuck in the spider web. Zoom out.

Hidden area #5:


Click the area where the right edge of the yellow box meets the bottom of the wall. There you'll find the other battery. Now you have a pair of these as well!

Now its time to solve some puzzles! Turn right to return to the opening screen.

Puzzle solving and Escape


Zoom in on the Pet food by clicking the question mark in the lower right corner. Now click the top of the bag to open it. Finally, with the opened Pet food selected, click on the blue bowl to place the food in there.
Hmmm, a bowl full of dog food; I wonder who that is for?


Click the pile of dog food: CHOMP CHOMP!! Well, might as well finish it now.

Zoom out.
Might as well explore the rest of the items in our inventory while we're here.
Interesting... the pet food is still in our inventory. Click ? to open it up.


Click the top of the bag again.
Escape Man get! (#3)
Close this item

Click ? on the Bone to open it. Hmmmm, dog food and a bone. Well, I ate the dog food, might as well give this a try.


Click the bone while its opened and it cracks. Keep clicking to split the bone in two.
Escape Man get! (#4)

Click ? on the Melon Soda.
Click the can itself. Did you just vampire bite the soda can? Hmmm, click to close the soda.
Click ? on the Mosaic Remover.


Click the side of the Remover to flip it over and reveal a battery compartment. Looks the perfect size for some AA's. Now, where can I get... Oh! Right there next to the Remover.
With the remover selected and flipped, click the batteries to select them, and then click the Remover again.
Viola, working Remover. Now if we only knew what it was for.

Click ? on the Pet Toilet, then click the package itself. Hmmm, a large rectangular... something. We'll save that for now
Click ? on the bucket.


Now click the top of the bucket. Hey! Who turned out the lights!
How the heck *click* *click*... AHHHH, finally! Not going to try that again.


Let's see what's on the bottom of the bucket.
Escape Man get! (#5)

Click the ? on the High Jump book.


Now click the book again to open it.
Escape Man get! (#6)
Close the book.

Only one thing left to explore in inventory. Click the ? on the game.


Click the right side to flip it over and find a battery compartment.
Those look an awful lot like button cells. Click on the button cells to select them, then click the game again to insert them. Perfect fit!
Let's flip it over and see what happened.
Escape Man... hey, he's gray, and when I click him it just flips the game back over.


There appears to be something on the top edge of the game... see that white sliver? Let's click it.
An on-off switch and the word "Color". Go ahead and click the switch and then the front of the game again.
He's green now!
Escape Man get!(#7)

There doesn't seem to be anything else in this scene, so turn right twice to face the Escape Man poster.


Well, we just learned that an Escape Man is no good unless he's green, so a blank outline does us no good.
Do we have any way to make him green?


Use the Melon Soda on the poster to make it green. Then click the escape man to take him
Escape Man get!(#8)

There doesn't seem to be anything else we can do in this scene now. Turn right.


At this point, its a pretty safe bet that the rectangular Pet Toilet goes into the yellow box, so go ahead and select it from inventory an place it there.
While we're here, we can also grab the spider web Escape Man.


Lucky for us, we read that book on high jumping, so just click on the book to select it and click on the Escape Man to grab him.
Escape Man get! (#9)


Well, that seems to cover our inventory and the object we can interact with. Did we miss something?
Go ahead and click right again. Keep clicking until... WHAT WAS THAT!
UGH! That dog food didn't sit so well. And it looks like we've left a mosaic mess...


I bet that Mosaic Remover is just the thing we need for this. Click the Remove to select it and then click on the mess.
Escape Man get! (#10)

Um, what just happened to our Escape men? They just melted into a green mosaic blob, and we know what to do with Mosaic blobs, right?


Click the remover again, and zap the mosaic blob.


Well, we've done and seen everything in the room. Well, except for John's trash locker.
We've read the book.
We're NOT going to put that bucket on our head again.
What about...


the escape man10?
Click ? on the escape man, then click him again when selected.
A four digit code! Perfect!

Enter the four digit code to open the trunk.
Click inside the trunk.
A Pullworker.
Hmmm, clicking it doesn't seem to do anything. Its not interacting with anything in the environment. I wonder if


escape man could use it? Let give it to him and find out. Select the pullworker and combine it with the escape man.

Great, Escape man is out and left a giant hole in your ceiling.
A giant hole.
And I can jump high.


Select the jump book and click the hole in the ceiling.
Ahhh, sweet escape!


neo1973 said


Hey! Who turned out the lights!

Don't do that, man! I


Ice cream. Ice cream. Ice cream. Ice cream. Ice cream. Ice cream.

frickineh January 30, 2013 2:57 PM

It won't load in firefox, so I tried IE. It loaded but then within the first couple of clicks, it flashes through a bunch of images and says, "Congratulations!" and asks if I want to start over. Don't suppose there's an alternate link to try, is there?

https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkSNRTxZTosLXS5ahMJZRRyrBSn7qg22a8 January 30, 2013 4:08 PM

Out! What does


mean? (end screen)

knotofnine January 30, 2013 4:57 PM

I second the alternate link request - also on Firefox and no love. Chrome did the same as frickineh where it flashes past a whole bunch of images, *growls*, and says Congratulations.

Oh well, another week of Asylum and Goat in the Grey Fedora.


Having the same issue as frickineh and knotofnine. Flash version 11.5 in all browsers (IE9, FF, Chrome).

inheritance.fan January 30, 2013 6:21 PM

None of the "Find the Escape Men" games work for me. All I get is a black small screen in white. Yes, I tried Firefox and Chrome. Yes, everything is loaded, up to date, etc.


Disable/deactivate your adblock first.


Too fun! I loved the silliness and the surprises.


That's right. Using adblock will also block this game from loading.


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