From a purely mechanical standpoint, Prior is very simple, though executed well. It really is one of those games however, where, for the most part, it all comes down to narrative and atmosphere since the gameplay is simple. At roughly half an hour of play, Prior ends rather abruptly and it's up to you to decide whether you feel it really delivers a satisfying ending after one or two playthroughs. I could fill a whole article with my own feelings and interpretations (as I've done before), but I don't want to colour your own before you've played and completed it yourself. Did I like Prior? Certainly. I feel it's an interesting bit of storytelling wrapped up in a bite-size piece of platforming, and for me, at least, the narrative manages to get me past the relatively bland area design.
But let's try something different here and let me turn the focus back on you. Let's get a little discussion going here, you and I, on the game as a whole. How did you feel about the way the narrative was presented? Do you think the ending was satisfying and would have been spoiled by more story, or did it leave you feeling like it needed more? Did the spartan design add to the overall experience, or inhibit your response? In short; what worked for you, what didn't, and why? You guys are smart, and you've proven time and again that you like a good debate, so let's have at it. What, if anything, did that lonely little black box do for you?
Walkthrough Guide
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Walkthrough. Just because.
Controls are easy. Both WASD and arrows move you ([up]/[W] to jump). In addition:
[Q] while standing on a note to read it. In this walkthrough, I will only describe notes about game mechanics; story ones you'll have to read on your own.
[E] will open a map of the areas you've explored.
[R] will restart a screen, in case you get stuck.
[SPACE] will activate anti-gravity once you have it.
[ESC] pauses, but there's not much point.
Click "begin." Then click "WAKE UP." Let the spoilers begin.
You begin in a cell. There is a note in the upper-right corner. You cannot jump high enough to read this yet. After a few seconds, a trap door will open in the floor. Drop down, and then head in the only direction you can: Right.
You can't go up yet, so go down.
In the middle of the screen is a note. If you walk onto it, it will identify you as "SUBJECT !" and tell you to press [Q] to open notes. Press [Q] to close the note, then head left.
There are two notes in here. The one in the middle says to jump and press [down] in midair to press buttons. Conveniently enough, there is a button up top that will turn on the power when you press it. There is also a note in the upper-right. Push the button, then return to REPITITION, where you still can't go right, so go back up to LIFT.
A sort of vertical conveyor system has been turned on here when you turned on the power. Ride this to the top, then hop left, reading the note on the way, which will tell you to press [ESC] to pause.
You're now in the area you previously saw above your cell. Read the note, and head left.
You can't reach the exits to go up or left, so go down. There's a note in the middle you can reach and one higher up that you can't.
Down here, you can gain the ability to double-jump (read the note for the in-story explanation). All you have to do is press the button in the greenish pit. Now that you can double-jump, a lot of places you couldn't reach are accessible. Go back up. You can also go back to your cell and read the note on the ledge in there, but after that go back to DILEMMA
If you want, now you can reach the ledge on the right to return to REPITITION and go right from there by double-jumping.
From there you can reach MAINTENANCE. There's nothing accessible here but a note, but that has interesting story implications.
Whether you do so and then return to DILEMMA or just keep going, you can now reach the higher note and the left exit. The higher note tells you to press [E] to access your mental map.
You cannot yet reach the ledge to the left. You can, however, reach a note in the lower left and the ledge leading up, so long as you double-jump at the peak of your first jump.
Here you can go left or right. However, going left is very difficult. That screen should be self-evident if you manage it, but I'll leave it till it's easier. For now, go left, read the note, then head up and out the left corridor.
This section is well-named. If you fall to the bottom, you can't get out again. The note down there tells you to press [R] to restart the screen, giving you a chance to use your double-jump to hop in midair to the ledge on the left. You can't reach the button in the upper-left or the top exit yet, so go left.
You can't jump high enough to go out the left, so jump up the ledges to the top exit.
There's a note in a small internal room you can't get to yet. For now, climb up the left, then go out the right exit, pausing to check the other note on the way.
The first note tells you to use GRAV-NULL by pressing [SPACE] and has a picture that looks like that thing floating by the bottom of the room. The next note tells you more plainly how to use GRAV-NULL. So, go pick it up, then use that ability to get to the button on the left. This wil open a door in the ceiling, allowing you to return to THE CHUTE. Or you can go back down to PITFALL. Either way, don't forget to read the third note, return to THE CHUTE to read the remaining note, and go back down/left to ASCENT.
Now you can go left from ASCENT by using GRAV-NULL. There you will find CONTAINMENT, which appears to be composed of a series of cells. The button in the upper left will open these cells, giving you access to a number of story-important notes. After reading these, go two rooms right to return to PITFALL
If you didn't already do so after RESEARCH, hit the button in the upper left to make it possible to return to the right, then do so to return to DIVERGE. Now you can easily go to the right by using GRAV-NULL from the lowest floating platform. In your little corner of WORLD, hit the button to open the path in the other section, and read the note, then go back to DIVERGE and back down from there.
Now that you have GRAV-NULL, you can hover (get it!?) to the ledge on the left. This will lead to OBJECTIVES, where notes and the map on the wall indicate the directions for the three game endings: Locate your family, locate Dr. +/G's room (the circled room on the map), or head towards the city. There's nothing else here, so go back to HOVER, then go right again.
You can now go up from DILEMMA to the open area in WORLD. From here, go up, then out the right corridor to ATRIUM. Here, there are two notes and a button, which will let you go out to the right once more.
You may want to check out the note in the lower right. After that, you may want to decide what ending you want. This is not yet the point of no return, but this is the point from which the three paths branch. Go up one screen and left to go to the city, up and right to search for your family, or just go right from ADMIN to find Dr. +/G.
Family Ending
From here, go up to WELCOME. You can read the note on top of the building, but then go right past TERRAIN and MISERY (don't forget to read the note). MISERY is a little tricky, but you should be able to get up the ledge with GRAV-NULL and double-jump. This will lead to RESTRAINT. Go inside, then up; if you go up outside, you won't go to the next screen.
Another well-named screen. If you drop down on the right side to get to the corridor, even with GRAV-NULL and double-jump you can't get back up. Go back if you want another ending. If you still want the family ending, keep going. Either way, read the note.
In BLISS there are three notes. Read them and go right. They are important to the ending here.
Pay attention to the background. What do you think that is? Read the note. After you read it, a trapdoor in the floor will open. The game ends after you drop down and read the note inside.
City Ending
From ADMIN, go up to WELCOME. Read the note on top of the building, then head left to OUTPOST. Read the note on the high platform, then go left again to OPEN AIR, then to GARAGE. Read the note, go up (head right to OPEN AIR again if you want to read that note), then go up to ANONYMOUS, then left to INEVITABLE
This is the point of no return for the city ending. After you drop down, you can't go back except via [R], which means you can't go back at all once you leave this screen to the left. Read the note, go left again to TWOONETHREE, push the buttons, read the notes, and head left to the ending: THE ONE. Technically, you can go back after this because the game doesn't end until you go off the screen to the left. The reason this is an ending will occur if you go about halfway across the screen. Unfortunately, you can't go back and finish another ending because you can't get past INEVITABLE in this direction.
Dr. +/G Ending
Unlike the other endings, head right from ADMIN instead of up. This will take you to VENTILATION, a note, and a path down to PREPARATION. Read the note, then down another level to MAINTENANCE.
You may remember this room as the one you got to by going right from REPITITION after you got double-jump. If you haven't been here before, press the button to open the gates and read the note. Otherwise, there's not much point because that will just let you return to REPITITION, and it's easier to get back to ADMIN and the other endings by going up. For this ending, head down.
Read the note, hit the button, go down one more screen, then down again from DESCENT. This may resemble a point of no return like the other two endings had, but it's always been possible up to this point to get to the end of the screen, then hit [R] and go back. Keep going, however, and you will land in LOW, with a sign on the wall reading, "SUBBASEMENT V." A trapdoor in the ceiling will close, and even [R] can't get you out of this one. Read the note and go left.
We're almost done. Read the note, and keep going left, to REVELATION. That's just an empty corridor, so keep going.
The room is empty except for a note and a button. Read the note, then push the button. See what the doctor thinks of his own inventions.
The End.
Posted by: ho Huios tes Moiras | March 18, 2011 2:36 PM