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The Golden Years: Way Out West

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The Golden Years: Way Out West

GrinnypAh, the romance of the old west. Cowboys, cattle drives, the pony express... Also brush fires, coyotes, droughts, greedy land barons, and bandits who ransack towns and kidnap the population for ransom. It might not be as romantic as John Wayne movies would have us believe, but things were still pretty adventurous, a side of the times that Alawar chooses to represent in the time management adventure game The Golden Years: Way Out West.

grinnyp_thegoldenyearswayoutwest_screenshot1.pngGertrude had such a lovely life, married to handsome and hardworking Samuel and raising her son Jacob. Samuel got ambitious and bought the local general store, though, and soon the family was on their way to success. Then, disaster struck in the form of a suspicious fire which burned down the store and all its stock. Deeply indebted to the evil Mr. Van Der Horn, Samuel has been thrown into jail and Gertrude must, with the aid of young Jacob, earn a fortune to pay the robber baron back and get poor Samuel sprung. Fortunately, Gertrude is pretty competent, as she works her way from Appalachia to the great plains, then to California and beyond in her quest to reunite the family.

Gameplay in The Golden Years: Way Out West is a combination of building sim and time management. Each stage has several levels with their own sets of goals. Build homes, municipal buildings, commercial buildings and the like in order to accomplish both short term and long term goals. Starting with a decrepit locomotive given to her by her friend the kindly Professor David, Gertrude moves from town to town building and mining along the way. Houses and other buildings can be constructed using wood obtained either from scattered supplies that block paths or from a sawmill (if you can afford to build one). Homes and commercial buildings can only be built within the shadow of municipal buildings, and each building covers a different series of land plots.

grinnyp_thegoldenyearswayoutwest_screenshot2.pngAccomplishing each "stage" of a level in a certain amount of time earns a gold star, and if you earn 50% or better gold stars in a level you can upgrade Gertrude's rickety locomotive into something sleeker and faster. Along with natural hazards like gullies that need to be filled in and wood and other blockages you can run into obstacles in the form of town drunks, wild animals, and of course the ruthless bandits who will demand lots and lots of gold to go away. Can you help Gertrude accomplish her goals in time to rescue poor Samuel from the pokey?

Analysis: The Golden Years: Way Out West plays like a nice combination of Build-a-lot and My Kingdom for the Princess, with lots of frantic action and story along the way. What really makes it stand out are the requirements for municipal buildings, as each covers a different number of plots and without that coverage you can't build necessary housing or commercial establishments. Trying to maneuver that coverage to your best advantage is a bit like fitting Tetris pieces together which add a nice puzzle challenge to each level.

grinnyp_thegoldenyearswayoutwest_screenshot3.pngThe graphics are amusing as are the animations, although they can be a little lost on the small screen of an iPhone. Best of all are the characters that you run into in every level, from the lazy town drunks to the greedy bandits, and the helpful Native Americans. Each level has different challenges and surprises around every turn. The music is a lively and appropriate accompaniment and the voice acting is competent and helps move the story along.

There are a few minor problems in scaling down a game this size to the iPhone, so if that's the version you're going with, take note. Managing to differentiate which areas need to be highlighted takes a deft touch at first as in the smaller scale things can be a little too close together. And although the story is engaging you certainly have to put up with the somewhat un-P.C. portrayals of the First Nations characters, pretty par for the course in any western themed game.

The Golden Years: Way Out West delivers a fantastic punch of time management and puzzle gameplay. With 48 levels, each more complex than the last, you are looking at hours of fabulous casual gameplay with some pretty interesting characters. So hike up your skirts, tie down your bonnet, and get ready for some frantic fun. Westward Ho!

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Walkthrough Guide

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The Golden Years Way Out West walkthrough

General Information

Main Menu

  • The following choices are available on the Main Menu: Play; start a New Game; Options; View the Credits and more Alawar Games; a link to buy the Full Version if you are playing the free one; and ability to sign up for Alawar's Newsletter.

  • Options give you a choice of having the Sound and Music on or off, and you can choose to view the Tutorial or not.

  • There are 40 additional levels in the Full Version as you continue your journey from Georgia through prairies, canyons, California, and finally into Alaska in your efforts to set Samuel free from prison.


  • At the beginning of each level a Map will appear to show you where you are in your journey, and you will have your choice to Play that level or go to the Menu.

  • Each level has one or more stages with goals for you to achieve before you can move on to the next level.

  • To earn a star, you must attain an Expert status in the number of stages listed on the first screen for that level.

  • At any time, you can go back on the Map to a previous level to improve your player status.

  • If you select Menu, you will then have a choice to Resume the game; Restart the current level; change your Options; go to the Map or Main Menu.

  • Any time you select Main Menu or Map, you will be told you will lose your unsaved progress if you say yes.

  • Screenshot


  • The Train will be added to your Map after Level 8, and you will have the opportunity to upgrade the Train if you finish a level with an Expert status.

  • Your upgrades to the Train don't earn you anything extra, just the fun of seeing the improvements to the look of the Train.

  • The screenshot shows a picture of the fully-upgraded Train.

  • Screenshot

Scene Navigation

  • In the upper left of the screen are your resources: Money, Gold, Lumber, and Population, as well as the timer that determines your status for each level.

  • The upper right shows your completed goals with a check mark in the box next to the goal, and indicates what stage you are trying to complete.

  • The lower portion of the screen is where all your selections are made, such as buildings to build; workers to hire; buying and selling gold and lumber; upgrading and demolishing buildings.

  • You can also find out information about the income from a building and its population.

  • You can also obtain information about the building you wish to build, including the necessary resources and workers required for the job.

  • The Town Hall shows you the number of workers you have available, and you can hire additional workers when needed.

  • As shown in the screenshot, you will sometimes have obstacles to overcome, such as road blocks and repairs, plus more complicated situations later on.

  • Building sites will have a line through them when you need to build a Municipal building nearby.

  • In the screenshot, the building site on the right of Town Hall needs a Water Tower before your Covered Wagons will begin paying rent.

  • You will meet up with many other characters during your journey, other than Gertrude and her son Jacob, and will be required to interact with them.

  • You will also encounter bears, wolves, dogs, coyotes, and horses and find out how you need to deal with them in the scenes where they appear.

  • Screenshot


  • There are 4 categories of Buildings: Municipal, Industrial, Commercial, and Residential.

  • Town Hall, which is already established in each level, pays rent and is where you can hire workers.

  • Not all buildings will be available immediately but will be added along your journey.

  • Municipal buildings: Water Tower, Sheriff's Office, and Church.

    • A Water Tower is necessary in order to build Commercial and Residential buildings.

    Industrial buildings: Sawmill, Advanced Sawmill, and Trading Post.

    • The Sawmill and Advanced Sawmill produce your lumber automatically, but you can also purchase addition lumber that you need.

    • You buy and sell at the Trading Post.

    Commercial buildings: General Store, Saloon, and Bank.

    • Each of these buildings will pay you gold.

    • The amount of gold you earn for the General Store and Saloon depends upon the population they serve.

    • The Bank pays you 10%, so the amount of gold it pays is dependent on how much money you have.

    Residential buildings: Covered Wagons, House, Ranch, Inn, Hotel, and Estate.

    • Residential properties pay rent and can be upgraded to receive more rent, but they also occasionally require repairs you will need to pay for.

  • When we discuss a building being built in a certain row in a scene, the counting begins from the top down.


  • Money is basically earned from rent and from selling materials at the Trading Post.

  • Gold can be mined, earned profit from your Commercial buildings, or purchased from the Trading Post.

  • Lumber can be gathered from the roadways or after demolition of a building, and purchased from the Trading Post or Sawmill.

  • Your population is increased by building and upgrading Residential properties.

Strategy Guide

Georgia: Levels 1-8

Level 1

  • Goals: Build a Water Tower and two Covered Wagons.

    • You begin your journey with $1,000 and no other resources.

    • To get the necessary lumber, collect the materials available on the roads.

    • Repair the road so you can build on the lower lot.

Level 2

  • Goals: Own two three-star Covered Wagons, and earn income of $12,000.

    • You have a few materials available, but you need to collect the lumber and gold, remove the road block, and repair the road.

    • Build a Water Tower between the Town Hall and existing Covered Wagon, additional covered wagons on the other two lots, and upgrade two of them to 3 stars.

Level 3

  • Goals: Build a Sawmill, 4 Covered Wagons, and earn $16,000.

    • All you have going for you in this level is money, so you need to collect resources, make repairs, and hire some workers.

    • Build your Sawmill on the upper left lot, place your Water Tower in the middle of the remaining 4 lots, and build your Covered Wagons around it.

    • You are going to need additional lumber that you can buy from the Sawmill.

    • Your income is now only $8,500, so you need to upgrade your Covered Wagons until they earn you $16,000.

Level 4

  • Goals: Own 2 General Stores, raise your Gold resource to 5, and earn income of $10,000.

    • Remove the road block, build your General Stores on the vacant lots, and upgrade your Covered Wagons to earn the necessary income.

Level 5

  • Goals: Build a Sawmill, demolish 4 Covered Wagons, and build 3 Houses.

    • Repair the road, demolish the 4 Covered Wagons, and build the Sawmill on the lot next to the Water Tower.

    • Gather the materials from the demolished buildings and buy addition lumber from the Sawmill, so you have enough lumber to repair the existing House.

    • Build an additional Water Tower on the right lot in the middle row, and construct your two Houses.

Level 6

  • Stage 1 Goals: Gather 400 materials and repair the Bridge.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Repair the Mine.

    • You need 300 lumber to repair the Mine, so buy it from the Sawmill.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Increase your Gold to 10.

    • Build a Water Tower on the middle lot of both the first and third rows so your existing houses will start to earn income.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your Workers to 5, your Gold to 40, and your Population to 55.

    • If you wish to speed up the Gold collection, you can buy more from the Mine.

Level 7

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build a Trading Post and sell lumber for at least $10,000.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 2 Municipal Buildings, 4 Houses, and increase your money to $40,000.

    • Demolish the 2 Covered Wagons, and build a Water Tower on the left lot of row 1, and right lot of row 2.

    • Build Houses on the remaining vacant lots.

    • When you need more lumber, buy it at the Sawmill.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy Gold at the Trading Post.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your income to $20,000 and your population to 45.

    • Upgrade your Houses to achieve your goals.

Level 8

  • Stage 1 Goals: Use the key to open the chest and collect the Gold.

    • Talk to the Professor, who will make you an offer.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Repair the mine and increase your Gold to 50.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Sign the contract with Professor Wilkinson.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your population to 60 and your Gold to 75 so you can sell it at the Trading Post.

    • You can build a General Store to collect Gold faster or you can buy it from the Trading Post and sell it back when you have enough.

    • You will need to build a Water Tower next to the Trading Post, demolish a Covered Wagon to build a House, and upgrade everything to achieve your population.

Prairie: Levels 9-18

Level 9

  • Stage 1 Goals: Put out the 3 fires.

    • Pick up the lumber to put out the fire at the bottom so you can collect more materials to put out the other fires.

    • Extinguish the right fire next, and then the left one.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Demolish 6 Covered Wagons.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Build 4 Houses and increase your income to $15,000.

    • Build 2 Water Towers: one at the right in the second row, and the other one to the right of the 3-star Covered Wagon.

Level 10

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Architect.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a Ranch next to the Town Hall for him.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Collect the Ranch blueprint, and give it to the Architect.

    • Once you build the Ranch, the blueprint will appear next to the Ranch, so take it and give it to the Architect in exchange for a tiny bit of money.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Build a monument for the Architect.

    • You will need to increase the number of your workers to 11, have 1,000 pieces of lumber, and $50,000 in money.

    • Collect all the available materials on the roads.

    • In order to increase the number of workers, you will need to increase your population by upgrading your buildings.

    • To get the monument built, it will cost you $50,000, 1,000 pieces of lumber, and 11 workers.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Take the blueprint for the Ranch.

Level 11

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build a trail across the swamps, and earn 20 pieces of Gold.

    • Find Falcon Eye's locket.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Make sure your General Store serves 25 citizens, sell 75 Gold, and earn $350,000.

    • For your store to serve 25 citizens, you will need to build another General Store on the left lot in row 3 and a Ranch on each of the other 2 lots.

    • Build a Water Tower on the right lot in row 2, demolish the House in row 4, and build your Trading Post.

    • 2 General Stores and the Gold from the chest will get enough Gold to sell.

Level 12

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to Happy Joe.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a Saloon.

    • Collect all the materials and build a Saloon on the empty lot in row 2.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy a barrel of whiskey for Happy Joe, and put out the fire.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Give the 3 bandits 10 Gold each.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Free the Hostages, and you will end up with 13 workers.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Grow your population to 70.

    • You will need to demolish Houses one at a time, build Ranches, and update them until you reach the population goal.

Level 13

  • Stage 1 Goals: Clear a path to the Sawmill and repair it.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Repair 3 bridges.

    • Pay off the bandit so you can get to the last bridge.

    • Pick up the keys and open the chests to get the Gold.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Collect the Gold nuggets.

Level 14

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Sheriff.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a Sawmill and Trading Post.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Bribe the bandit guarding the whiskey, take it, and use it to get the other bandits drunk.

    • To get enough Gold, you need to buy some from the Trading Post.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the Sheriff's Badge and banish the bandit boss.

Level 15

  • Stage 1 Goals: Increase your population to 30, and put out the fire.

    • After you increase your population, hire 2 more workers to put out the fire.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 3 Houses, a Saloon serving 60 citizens, and increase your income to $35,000.

    • Build the Saloon on the middle lot in the second row across from the Water Tower, and it will serve all the buildings on that side of the river.

Level 16

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build 2 Inns.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own a General Store and Saloon, each serving 60 guests, and increase your population to 110.

Level 17

  • Stage 1 Goals: Dig up the guns at the red "X".

  • Stage 2 Goals: Increase your Workers to 10 so they can take the guns.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Get rid of the bandits and free the American Indians.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your income to $100,000.

Level 18

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Professor.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Put out the fire so you can get the Professor's watch and return it to him, then own 2 Commercial buildings.

    • Build some Residential buildings so you can increase your workers to 6 in order to put out the fire.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Sell 150 Gold, and increase your population to 125.

California: Levels 18-32

Level 19

  • Stage 1 Goals: Ask the Architect for help.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the blueprint for the improved Sawmill to the Architect.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Fix the bridge over the river.

    • Increase your Workers to 8 because you will need more later.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Give 20 Gold to the bandit to get rid of him.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Build a raft to travel to the next city.

    • You will need 1,500 Lumber, 12 Workers, and the 4 barrels of whisky that appear after the bandit leaves.

    • You can earn the 10 Gold nuggets to buy each whisky barrel at the General Store.

Level 20

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build 3 Hotels for the Architect.

    • Build an Advanced Sawmill on the bottom left lot.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the 4 cages from the Architect to catch the coyotes.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Catch the 4 coyotes, increase your population to 170, and organize and excavation.

    • You need 50 Gold for each of the coyotes, so you might as well upgrade your Hotels while the Saloon earns you the Gold.

    • After you upgrade all your Hotels on the left side of the river, once you get rid of the coyote on the bridge, you can build a Water Tower on the right lot in the second row so you can begin earning income from the Inn and add to your population.

    • Increase your Workers to 15 because you will need them for the next stage.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Find Red Cloud's locket.

    • After you give Lender the coyotes, dig it up at the red "X", and then collect it.

Level 21

  • Stage 1 Goals: Clear the debris from the road, collect the 4 bushels of hay from the farm, and throw them on the fire to create a smokescreen.

    • Grab the barrel of whisky from across the bridge so you can give it to the bandit who is in the way of you getting the hay.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Once you have created the smokescreen, run to the Professor after you clear the road to get to him.

Level 22

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to Happy Joe to see about using his bull to break down the fence around one of the properties.

    • If you don't get the fence removed, your Saloon will not provide Gold, and you won't be able to build on that fenced property.

      • Ultimately, you are going to have to give Joe a barrel of whiskey and 20 nuggets of Gold.

    • Build a Water Tower on the vacant lot in row 2 between the Ranch and House, because once the fence is removed, will get income.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Restore the bridge and build a Trading Post.

    • Clear the road, get the Sawmill working by building the bridge, and grab the barrel of whisky that you will need for Joe.

    • You now have a choice of buying your needed Gold from the Trading Post or building a General Store on what is now your one vacant lot.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy Joe's bull and demolish the fence.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Own 3 Commercial buildings, increase your money to $500,000 and population to 130.

Level 23

  • Stage 1 Goals: Mine 400 Gold, and own 2 Banks.

    • You can build a Saloon or a third Bank to get Gold faster and a Trading Post to buy some.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Give the leader of the bandits 400 Gold, and pay Van der Horn 400 Gold.

Level 24

  • Stage 1 Goals: Put out the 3 fires.

    • You need 14 Workers to put out the largest fire, so build some Residential buildings to increase your population.

    • Put out the fires in this order: bottom, right, and left.

    • Pick up the key because you will uncover 2 chests when you put out the first fire.

    • Once you put out the second fire, you can collect another key and a barrel of whiskey, which Joe wants, so give it to him and you will gain another Worker.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Demolish 3 burned Covered Wagons.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Build a Sheriff's Office.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Collect the arrest warrant and arrest the arsonist.

Level 25

  • Stage 1 Goals: Remove debris and repair the road.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the 4 blueprints to the Architect.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Fix the bridge and demolish the Saloon.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Collect the 3 barrels of whisky and give them to Happy Joe in exchange for some dynamite.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Take the dynamite Joe left, destroy the huge stone, and demolish the House.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Grab the Professor.

Level 26

  • Stage 1 Goals: Revive the 5 lazy bums, and earn 100 Gold nuggets.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the lazy bums to the Architect, demolish the 2 Saloons, and own 2 Churches.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Calm down everyone at the meeting by paying off the bandits, increase your population to 200, and accept help from the Professor.

Level 27

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Chief.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the 4 horses from the bandits, own 3 Houses and 4 Ranches.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Speak with the Cowboy and build him a 3-star Hotel.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the mustang from the Cowboy and give it to the Chief.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Collect 150 Gold nuggets, and increase your income to $100,000.

Level 28

  • Stage 1 Goals: Open the 2 chests and increase your Workers to 8.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build 2 Rafts with 1,500 Lumber each and 12 Workers, plus build 2 Hotels and upgrade them to 3 stars.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Drive the bear away from the Professor and remove him from the canyon.

    • Collect the gun.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Revive the Professor with a barrel of whisky.

Level 29

  • Stage 1 Goals: Repair 3 bridges for 2,500 Lumber each.

    • Clear the debris from the roads, and buy your Lumber at the Sawmill.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 3 Banks.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Increase your money to $1,500,000, and mine 1,000 Gold nuggets.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Collect the documents and give the profits to Van der Horn, who is demanding $3,000,000 and 2,000 Gold.

Level 30

  • Stage 1 Goals: Take the 3 cages from the American Indians.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Buy the bears from Lender the Cowboy for $150,000 and 75 Gold, and own 3 Commercial buildings.

    • You are in Silver country, so you will need to buy or earn Gold from your Commercial buildings.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Take the bears to the Chief, and get a Silver nugget.

Level 31

  • Stage 1 Goals: Scare the coyotes away and save the mustang.

    • Pick up all the debris to get everything started and to collect the guns.

    • There are varying prices on the coyotes, so start with the one guarding the mustang so you can get the Gold Mine running and buy Gold from there.

    • You will have to build a Trading Post and buy your first 50 nuggets there.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the mustang to the Sheriff's Office, increase your income to $110,000, and collect 125 Gold nuggets.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Let the owner know the horse was found, and increase your population to 190.

Level 32

  • Stage 1 Goals: Buy the fake gold from Lender.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Give the fake gold to the bandit boss in exchange for the key to open the jail hatch.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Rescue Jacob and increase your Gold to 100.

Alaska: Levels 33-48

Level 33

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the American Indian.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take 50 pieces of firewood to the American Indian, who will build a fire to keep Jacob warm.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Thank the American Indian.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Give Lender 120 Gold nuggets to make him go away.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Collect the hay and give it to the American Indian.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Take the Architect's blueprint for a new building, an Estate.

Level 34

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Architect and give him his blueprint.

    • You not only have road debris to deal with, but also large stones.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build 2 Estates for the Architect.

    • Upgrade your population so you can hire another Worker.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Get rid of the debris, own a saloon servicing 130 people, and earn 125 nuggets of Gold.

    • Give the barrel of whisky to Happy Joe in exchange for the TNT.

    • Use the TNT to get rid of the large stone on road 2 so you can pick up the next TNT, and get the Saloon in business.

    • Demolish the House and build 2 Estates near the Saloon.

    • Upgrade your buildings until the Saloon serves 130.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Demolish the old Estate.

    • Give the blueprint for the old Estate to the Architect and blow up the Estate.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Remove the debris from the old Estate.

Level 35

  • Stage 1 Goals: Catch 3 dogs, drive the 3 coyotes away, and increase your population to 60.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a dog sled, increase your income to $90,000, and hire another Worker.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Use the dog sled to make a track through the forest.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the TNT and blow up the stone.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Gather 4 piles of platinum from the minefield.

Level 36

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to Lender.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Catch the she-bear and cage it.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Talk to the Chief about the bears.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Buy the she-bear from Lender.

    • Lender wants 200 Gold for the she-bear.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Bring the she-bear to the Chief.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Collect all bears to calm them down.

Level 37

  • Stage 1 Goals: Van der Horn is back, so hide Jacob with the American Indians, and put out the fire so it won't attract attention.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 3 Commercial buildings, pay Van der Horn his 175 Gold, and dig up the treasure at the 4 "X"s.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy the 2 Irish stallions from Lender, give the horses to Hawkeye, and take back Jacob.

Level 38

  • Stage 1 Goals: Gather materials, and repair the Hotel.

    • You need the income from the Hotel to pick up the debris on the path to the Gold Mine.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Pay the bandit his 100 pieces of Gold.

    • You can buy gold from the Gold Mine if you have enough Lumber.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Go see the Professor, who wants 50 Gold nuggets.

Level 39

  • Stage 1 Goals: Take the Locket of the Elements from the American Indian and put it onto the first shrine.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Increase your population to 110.

    • You will need to buy Gold at the Trading Post until you uncover the Gold Mine.

    • You will need one more Worker to build Estates.

  • Stage 3 Goals: You need an Amulet of Time for the second shrine, so borrow the Professor's watch and place it on the shrine.

    • Give the papers to the Professor in order to borrow his watch.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Put 200 Gold on the third shrine.

  • Stage 5 Goals: You have found Gertrude's greatest Happiness, so collect Jacob.

Level 40

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Architect.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Bring the bull to the American Indian to gain access to the Trading Post.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Own 2 Estates.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Own a Saloon and 2 General Stores.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Take the appraisal and give it to the Architect.

    • Once you give the appraisal to the Architect, he will move and you will have access to the Gold Mine.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Buy your train back from the bandit for $600,000 and 400 Gold.

Level 41

  • Stage 1 Goals: Take the TNT from Jacob, clear the way to the Water Tower, and increase your population to 60.

    • Blow up the stone by the Town Hall so you can open up the city and build.

    • Pick up the key and use it to open the chest.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take more TNT from Jacob, and clear the way to the Gold Mine and the city.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Increase your Gold to 200 nuggets, and increase your population to 150.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the TNT from Jacob and clear the way to the Trading Post.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Sell 100 Gold before your departure, and increase your population to 200.

Level 42

  • Stage 1 Goals: Repair the Houses, and clean up the debris around the city.

    • In order to clean up all of the debris, you need to pay off the bandits.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Gather Gold nuggets to pay the bandits, deal with the remaining bandits, and report to the sheriff.

    • After you get rid of the bandits, don't forget to dig up the treasure at the red "X".

  • Stage 3 Goals: Give the guard the pass to the Sawmill, increase your population to 80, and hire another Worker for a total of 5.

Level 43

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Professor.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Demolish 7 buildings.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Talk to Van der Horn.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Talk to the Professor.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Build 7 Houses.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Collect the investment papers and take them to the Professor.

Level 44

  • Stage 1 Goals: Own 2 Houses, and talk the American Indians into lending you 4 dogs.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Catch the dogs, and arrange the expeditions by building 2 sleds.

    • Collect the 4 cages to use to catch the dogs.

    • Pay the bum in the road 5 Gold nuggets to gain another Worker.

    • Build a Sawmill to get more Lumber to build the sleds.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Dig a secret cellar at the red "X".

    • Now that you have the sleds, you can get to the red "X".

  • Stage 4 Goals: Pick up the 2 wine barrels.

Level 45

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Chief.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Increase your income to $60,000.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Gather the hay to feed the bulls, and destroy the fence around the Estate.

    • Pick up the papers and take them to the Chief.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the materials left from the fence demolition, restore the forgotten Estate to 3 start, and increase your population to 175.

Level 46

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to a local.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Restore the bridges, find the 3 bulls and take them away.

    • Give the whiskey barrel to the bum on the island so you can build the next bridge to the island with the bull.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Have a feast for Alaska Day.

    • The bulls are intended for the feast, so take them to the fire.

    • While the people were celebrating, the bandits appeared and kidnapped some of the citizens.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Ask the local for help, and pay the ransom to the bandit.

    • You will receive a key to the chest to help you rescue the hostages.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Get 50 Gold nuggets, and build a raft.

    • You need to increase your Workers to 6 to build your raft.

Level 47

  • Stage 1 Goals: Save Happy Joe from the bear.

    • Grab the gun and whiskey barrel for this task.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Help Lender, save the Architect, and take the gun from the bandit.

    • Get the locket for Lender.

    • Since you have no gold, get the gun from the bandit by the Water Tower in exchange for money.

    • Give the Architect his blueprints.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Free the American Indian, get the guns from the other 2 bandits, and own an Inn.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Find Jacob, free the Professor, and build the Trading Post.

    • Get rid of the bear and coyote.

    • The Professor's watch will appear after you build the Inn, so give it to him so you can build the Trading Post.

Level 48

  • Stage 1 Goals: Meet the Professor.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Talk to Lender, and build 4 Estates for him.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Pick up the documents Lender left that will threaten the bandit Boss, and get you evidence against Van der Horn.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take your money and gold back from the Professor.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Give the $3,000,000 and 5,000 Gold nuggets to Van der Horn in order to catch him in the act.

  • So now you know the real story of what happen way out west during the Golden Years!

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The Golden Years Way Out West walkthrough

General Information

Main Menu

  • The following choices are available on the Main Menu: Play; start a New Game; Options; View the Credits and more Alawar Games; a link to buy the Full Version if you are playing the free one; and ability to sign up for Alawar's Newsletter.

  • Options give you a choice of having the Sound and Music on or off, and you can choose to view the Tutorial or not.

  • There are 40 additional levels in the Full Version as you continue your journey from Georgia through prairies, canyons, California, and finally into Alaska in your efforts to set Samuel free from prison.


  • At the beginning of each level a Map will appear to show you where you are in your journey, and you will have your choice to Play that level or go to the Menu.

  • Each level has one or more stages with goals for you to achieve before you can move on to the next level.

  • To earn a star, you must attain an Expert status in the number of stages listed on the first screen for that level.

  • At any time, you can go back on the Map to a previous level to improve your player status.

  • If you select Menu, you will then have a choice to Resume the game; Restart the current level; change your Options; go to the Map or Main Menu.

  • Any time you select Main Menu or Map, you will be told you will lose your unsaved progress if you say yes.

  • Screenshot


  • The Train will be added to your Map after Level 8, and you will have the opportunity to upgrade the Train if you finish a level with an Expert status.

  • Your upgrades to the Train don't earn you anything extra, just the fun of seeing the improvements to the look of the Train.

  • The screenshot shows a picture of the fully-upgraded Train.

  • Screenshot

Scene Navigation

  • In the upper left of the screen are your resources: Money, Gold, Lumber, and Population, as well as the timer that determines your status for each level.

  • The upper right shows your completed goals with a check mark in the box next to the goal, and indicates what stage you are trying to complete.

  • The lower portion of the screen is where all your selections are made, such as buildings to build; workers to hire; buying and selling gold and lumber; upgrading and demolishing buildings.

  • You can also find out information about the income from a building and its population.

  • You can also obtain information about the building you wish to build, including the necessary resources and workers required for the job.

  • The Town Hall shows you the number of workers you have available, and you can hire additional workers when needed.

  • As shown in the screenshot, you will sometimes have obstacles to overcome, such as road blocks and repairs, plus more complicated situations later on.

  • Building sites will have a line through them when you need to build a Municipal building nearby.

  • In the screenshot, the building site on the right of Town Hall needs a Water Tower before your Covered Wagons will begin paying rent.

  • You will meet up with many other characters during your journey, other than Gertrude and her son Jacob, and will be required to interact with them.

  • You will also encounter bears, wolves, dogs, coyotes, and horses and find out how you need to deal with them in the scenes where they appear.

  • Screenshot


  • There are 4 categories of Buildings: Municipal, Industrial, Commercial, and Residential.

  • Town Hall, which is already established in each level, pays rent and is where you can hire workers.

  • Not all buildings will be available immediately but will be added along your journey.

  • Municipal buildings: Water Tower, Sheriff's Office, and Church.

    • A Water Tower is necessary in order to build Commercial and Residential buildings.

    Industrial buildings: Sawmill, Advanced Sawmill, and Trading Post.

    • The Sawmill and Advanced Sawmill produce your lumber automatically, but you can also purchase addition lumber that you need.

    • You buy and sell at the Trading Post.

    Commercial buildings: General Store, Saloon, and Bank.

    • Each of these buildings will pay you gold.

    • The amount of gold you earn for the General Store and Saloon depends upon the population they serve.

    • The Bank pays you 10%, so the amount of gold it pays is dependent on how much money you have.

    Residential buildings: Covered Wagons, House, Ranch, Inn, Hotel, and Estate.

    • Residential properties pay rent and can be upgraded to receive more rent, but they also occasionally require repairs you will need to pay for.

  • When we discuss a building being built in a certain row in a scene, the counting begins from the top down.


  • Money is basically earned from rent and from selling materials at the Trading Post.

  • Gold can be mined, earned profit from your Commercial buildings, or purchased from the Trading Post.

  • Lumber can be gathered from the roadways or after demolition of a building, and purchased from the Trading Post or Sawmill.

  • Your population is increased by building and upgrading Residential properties.

Strategy Guide

Georgia: Levels 1-8

Level 1

  • Goals: Build a Water Tower and two Covered Wagons.

    • You begin your journey with $1,000 and no other resources.

    • To get the necessary lumber, collect the materials available on the roads.

    • Repair the road so you can build on the lower lot.

Level 2

  • Goals: Own two three-star Covered Wagons, and earn income of $12,000.

    • You have a few materials available, but you need to collect the lumber and gold, remove the road block, and repair the road.

    • Build a Water Tower between the Town Hall and existing Covered Wagon, additional covered wagons on the other two lots, and upgrade two of them to 3 stars.

Level 3

  • Goals: Build a Sawmill, 4 Covered Wagons, and earn $16,000.

    • All you have going for you in this level is money, so you need to collect resources, make repairs, and hire some workers.

    • Build your Sawmill on the upper left lot, place your Water Tower in the middle of the remaining 4 lots, and build your Covered Wagons around it.

    • You are going to need additional lumber that you can buy from the Sawmill.

    • Your income is now only $8,500, so you need to upgrade your Covered Wagons until they earn you $16,000.

Level 4

  • Goals: Own 2 General Stores, raise your Gold resource to 5, and earn income of $10,000.

    • Remove the road block, build your General Stores on the vacant lots, and upgrade your Covered Wagons to earn the necessary income.

Level 5

  • Goals: Build a Sawmill, demolish 4 Covered Wagons, and build 3 Houses.

    • Repair the road, demolish the 4 Covered Wagons, and build the Sawmill on the lot next to the Water Tower.

    • Gather the materials from the demolished buildings and buy addition lumber from the Sawmill, so you have enough lumber to repair the existing House.

    • Build an additional Water Tower on the right lot in the middle row, and construct your two Houses.

Level 6

  • Stage 1 Goals: Gather 400 materials and repair the Bridge.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Repair the Mine.

    • You need 300 lumber to repair the Mine, so buy it from the Sawmill.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Increase your Gold to 10.

    • Build a Water Tower on the middle lot of both the first and third rows so your existing houses will start to earn income.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your Workers to 5, your Gold to 40, and your Population to 55.

    • If you wish to speed up the Gold collection, you can buy more from the Mine.

Level 7

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build a Trading Post and sell lumber for at least $10,000.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 2 Municipal Buildings, 4 Houses, and increase your money to $40,000.

    • Demolish the 2 Covered Wagons, and build a Water Tower on the left lot of row 1, and right lot of row 2.

    • Build Houses on the remaining vacant lots.

    • When you need more lumber, buy it at the Sawmill.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy Gold at the Trading Post.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your income to $20,000 and your population to 45.

    • Upgrade your Houses to achieve your goals.

Level 8

  • Stage 1 Goals: Use the key to open the chest and collect the Gold.

    • Talk to the Professor, who will make you an offer.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Repair the mine and increase your Gold to 50.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Sign the contract with Professor Wilkinson.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your population to 60 and your Gold to 75 so you can sell it at the Trading Post.

    • You can build a General Store to collect Gold faster or you can buy it from the Trading Post and sell it back when you have enough.

    • You will need to build a Water Tower next to the Trading Post, demolish a Covered Wagon to build a House, and upgrade everything to achieve your population.

Prairie: Levels 9-18

Level 9

  • Stage 1 Goals: Put out the 3 fires.

    • Pick up the lumber to put out the fire at the bottom so you can collect more materials to put out the other fires.

    • Extinguish the right fire next, and then the left one.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Demolish 6 Covered Wagons.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Build 4 Houses and increase your income to $15,000.

    • Build 2 Water Towers: one at the right in the second row, and the other one to the right of the 3-star Covered Wagon.

Level 10

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Architect.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a Ranch next to the Town Hall for him.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Collect the Ranch blueprint, and give it to the Architect.

    • Once you build the Ranch, the blueprint will appear next to the Ranch, so take it and give it to the Architect in exchange for a tiny bit of money.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Build a monument for the Architect.

    • You will need to increase the number of your workers to 11, have 1,000 pieces of lumber, and $50,000 in money.

    • Collect all the available materials on the roads.

    • In order to increase the number of workers, you will need to increase your population by upgrading your buildings.

    • To get the monument built, it will cost you $50,000, 1,000 pieces of lumber, and 11 workers.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Take the blueprint for the Ranch.

Level 11

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build a trail across the swamps, and earn 20 pieces of Gold.

    • Find Falcon Eye's locket.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Make sure your General Store serves 25 citizens, sell 75 Gold, and earn $350,000.

    • For your store to serve 25 citizens, you will need to build another General Store on the left lot in row 3 and a Ranch on each of the other 2 lots.

    • Build a Water Tower on the right lot in row 2, demolish the House in row 4, and build your Trading Post.

    • 2 General Stores and the Gold from the chest will get enough Gold to sell.

Level 12

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to Happy Joe.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a Saloon.

    • Collect all the materials and build a Saloon on the empty lot in row 2.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy a barrel of whiskey for Happy Joe, and put out the fire.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Give the 3 bandits 10 Gold each.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Free the Hostages, and you will end up with 13 workers.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Grow your population to 70.

    • You will need to demolish Houses one at a time, build Ranches, and update them until you reach the population goal.

Level 13

  • Stage 1 Goals: Clear a path to the Sawmill and repair it.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Repair 3 bridges.

    • Pay off the bandit so you can get to the last bridge.

    • Pick up the keys and open the chests to get the Gold.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Collect the Gold nuggets.

Level 14

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Sheriff.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a Sawmill and Trading Post.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Bribe the bandit guarding the whiskey, take it, and use it to get the other bandits drunk.

    • To get enough Gold, you need to buy some from the Trading Post.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the Sheriff's Badge and banish the bandit boss.

Level 15

  • Stage 1 Goals: Increase your population to 30, and put out the fire.

    • After you increase your population, hire 2 more workers to put out the fire.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 3 Houses, a Saloon serving 60 citizens, and increase your income to $35,000.

    • Build the Saloon on the middle lot in the second row across from the Water Tower, and it will serve all the buildings on that side of the river.

Level 16

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build 2 Inns.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own a General Store and Saloon, each serving 60 guests, and increase your population to 110.

Level 17

  • Stage 1 Goals: Dig up the guns at the red "X".

  • Stage 2 Goals: Increase your Workers to 10 so they can take the guns.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Get rid of the bandits and free the American Indians.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Increase your income to $100,000.

Level 18

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Professor.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Put out the fire so you can get the Professor's watch and return it to him, then own 2 Commercial buildings.

    • Build some Residential buildings so you can increase your workers to 6 in order to put out the fire.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Sell 150 Gold, and increase your population to 125.

California: Levels 18-32

Level 19

  • Stage 1 Goals: Ask the Architect for help.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the blueprint for the improved Sawmill to the Architect.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Fix the bridge over the river.

    • Increase your Workers to 8 because you will need more later.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Give 20 Gold to the bandit to get rid of him.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Build a raft to travel to the next city.

    • You will need 1,500 Lumber, 12 Workers, and the 4 barrels of whisky that appear after the bandit leaves.

    • You can earn the 10 Gold nuggets to buy each whisky barrel at the General Store.

Level 20

  • Stage 1 Goals: Build 3 Hotels for the Architect.

    • Build an Advanced Sawmill on the bottom left lot.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the 4 cages from the Architect to catch the coyotes.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Catch the 4 coyotes, increase your population to 170, and organize and excavation.

    • You need 50 Gold for each of the coyotes, so you might as well upgrade your Hotels while the Saloon earns you the Gold.

    • After you upgrade all your Hotels on the left side of the river, once you get rid of the coyote on the bridge, you can build a Water Tower on the right lot in the second row so you can begin earning income from the Inn and add to your population.

    • Increase your Workers to 15 because you will need them for the next stage.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Find Red Cloud's locket.

    • After you give Lender the coyotes, dig it up at the red "X", and then collect it.

Level 21

  • Stage 1 Goals: Clear the debris from the road, collect the 4 bushels of hay from the farm, and throw them on the fire to create a smokescreen.

    • Grab the barrel of whisky from across the bridge so you can give it to the bandit who is in the way of you getting the hay.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Once you have created the smokescreen, run to the Professor after you clear the road to get to him.

Level 22

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to Happy Joe to see about using his bull to break down the fence around one of the properties.

    • If you don't get the fence removed, your Saloon will not provide Gold, and you won't be able to build on that fenced property.

      • Ultimately, you are going to have to give Joe a barrel of whiskey and 20 nuggets of Gold.

    • Build a Water Tower on the vacant lot in row 2 between the Ranch and House, because once the fence is removed, will get income.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Restore the bridge and build a Trading Post.

    • Clear the road, get the Sawmill working by building the bridge, and grab the barrel of whisky that you will need for Joe.

    • You now have a choice of buying your needed Gold from the Trading Post or building a General Store on what is now your one vacant lot.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy Joe's bull and demolish the fence.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Own 3 Commercial buildings, increase your money to $500,000 and population to 130.

Level 23

  • Stage 1 Goals: Mine 400 Gold, and own 2 Banks.

    • You can build a Saloon or a third Bank to get Gold faster and a Trading Post to buy some.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Give the leader of the bandits 400 Gold, and pay Van der Horn 400 Gold.

Level 24

  • Stage 1 Goals: Put out the 3 fires.

    • You need 14 Workers to put out the largest fire, so build some Residential buildings to increase your population.

    • Put out the fires in this order: bottom, right, and left.

    • Pick up the key because you will uncover 2 chests when you put out the first fire.

    • Once you put out the second fire, you can collect another key and a barrel of whiskey, which Joe wants, so give it to him and you will gain another Worker.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Demolish 3 burned Covered Wagons.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Build a Sheriff's Office.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Collect the arrest warrant and arrest the arsonist.

Level 25

  • Stage 1 Goals: Remove debris and repair the road.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the 4 blueprints to the Architect.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Fix the bridge and demolish the Saloon.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Collect the 3 barrels of whisky and give them to Happy Joe in exchange for some dynamite.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Take the dynamite Joe left, destroy the huge stone, and demolish the House.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Grab the Professor.

Level 26

  • Stage 1 Goals: Revive the 5 lazy bums, and earn 100 Gold nuggets.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the lazy bums to the Architect, demolish the 2 Saloons, and own 2 Churches.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Calm down everyone at the meeting by paying off the bandits, increase your population to 200, and accept help from the Professor.

Level 27

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Chief.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the 4 horses from the bandits, own 3 Houses and 4 Ranches.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Speak with the Cowboy and build him a 3-star Hotel.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the mustang from the Cowboy and give it to the Chief.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Collect 150 Gold nuggets, and increase your income to $100,000.

Level 28

  • Stage 1 Goals: Open the 2 chests and increase your Workers to 8.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build 2 Rafts with 1,500 Lumber each and 12 Workers, plus build 2 Hotels and upgrade them to 3 stars.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Drive the bear away from the Professor and remove him from the canyon.

    • Collect the gun.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Revive the Professor with a barrel of whisky.

Level 29

  • Stage 1 Goals: Repair 3 bridges for 2,500 Lumber each.

    • Clear the debris from the roads, and buy your Lumber at the Sawmill.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 3 Banks.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Increase your money to $1,500,000, and mine 1,000 Gold nuggets.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Collect the documents and give the profits to Van der Horn, who is demanding $3,000,000 and 2,000 Gold.

Level 30

  • Stage 1 Goals: Take the 3 cages from the American Indians.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Buy the bears from Lender the Cowboy for $150,000 and 75 Gold, and own 3 Commercial buildings.

    • You are in Silver country, so you will need to buy or earn Gold from your Commercial buildings.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Take the bears to the Chief, and get a Silver nugget.

Level 31

  • Stage 1 Goals: Scare the coyotes away and save the mustang.

    • Pick up all the debris to get everything started and to collect the guns.

    • There are varying prices on the coyotes, so start with the one guarding the mustang so you can get the Gold Mine running and buy Gold from there.

    • You will have to build a Trading Post and buy your first 50 nuggets there.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take the mustang to the Sheriff's Office, increase your income to $110,000, and collect 125 Gold nuggets.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Let the owner know the horse was found, and increase your population to 190.

Level 32

  • Stage 1 Goals: Buy the fake gold from Lender.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Give the fake gold to the bandit boss in exchange for the key to open the jail hatch.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Rescue Jacob and increase your Gold to 100.

Alaska: Levels 33-48

Level 33

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the American Indian.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take 50 pieces of firewood to the American Indian, who will build a fire to keep Jacob warm.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Thank the American Indian.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Give Lender 120 Gold nuggets to make him go away.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Collect the hay and give it to the American Indian.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Take the Architect's blueprint for a new building, an Estate.

Level 34

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Architect and give him his blueprint.

    • You not only have road debris to deal with, but also large stones.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build 2 Estates for the Architect.

    • Upgrade your population so you can hire another Worker.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Get rid of the debris, own a saloon servicing 130 people, and earn 125 nuggets of Gold.

    • Give the barrel of whisky to Happy Joe in exchange for the TNT.

    • Use the TNT to get rid of the large stone on road 2 so you can pick up the next TNT, and get the Saloon in business.

    • Demolish the House and build 2 Estates near the Saloon.

    • Upgrade your buildings until the Saloon serves 130.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Demolish the old Estate.

    • Give the blueprint for the old Estate to the Architect and blow up the Estate.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Remove the debris from the old Estate.

Level 35

  • Stage 1 Goals: Catch 3 dogs, drive the 3 coyotes away, and increase your population to 60.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Build a dog sled, increase your income to $90,000, and hire another Worker.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Use the dog sled to make a track through the forest.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the TNT and blow up the stone.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Gather 4 piles of platinum from the minefield.

Level 36

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to Lender.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Catch the she-bear and cage it.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Talk to the Chief about the bears.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Buy the she-bear from Lender.

    • Lender wants 200 Gold for the she-bear.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Bring the she-bear to the Chief.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Collect all bears to calm them down.

Level 37

  • Stage 1 Goals: Van der Horn is back, so hide Jacob with the American Indians, and put out the fire so it won't attract attention.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Own 3 Commercial buildings, pay Van der Horn his 175 Gold, and dig up the treasure at the 4 "X"s.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Buy the 2 Irish stallions from Lender, give the horses to Hawkeye, and take back Jacob.

Level 38

  • Stage 1 Goals: Gather materials, and repair the Hotel.

    • You need the income from the Hotel to pick up the debris on the path to the Gold Mine.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Pay the bandit his 100 pieces of Gold.

    • You can buy gold from the Gold Mine if you have enough Lumber.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Go see the Professor, who wants 50 Gold nuggets.

Level 39

  • Stage 1 Goals: Take the Locket of the Elements from the American Indian and put it onto the first shrine.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Increase your population to 110.

    • You will need to buy Gold at the Trading Post until you uncover the Gold Mine.

    • You will need one more Worker to build Estates.

  • Stage 3 Goals: You need an Amulet of Time for the second shrine, so borrow the Professor's watch and place it on the shrine.

    • Give the papers to the Professor in order to borrow his watch.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Put 200 Gold on the third shrine.

  • Stage 5 Goals: You have found Gertrude's greatest Happiness, so collect Jacob.

Level 40

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Architect.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Bring the bull to the American Indian to gain access to the Trading Post.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Own 2 Estates.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Own a Saloon and 2 General Stores.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Take the appraisal and give it to the Architect.

    • Once you give the appraisal to the Architect, he will move and you will have access to the Gold Mine.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Buy your train back from the bandit for $600,000 and 400 Gold.

Level 41

  • Stage 1 Goals: Take the TNT from Jacob, clear the way to the Water Tower, and increase your population to 60.

    • Blow up the stone by the Town Hall so you can open up the city and build.

    • Pick up the key and use it to open the chest.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Take more TNT from Jacob, and clear the way to the Gold Mine and the city.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Increase your Gold to 200 nuggets, and increase your population to 150.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the TNT from Jacob and clear the way to the Trading Post.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Sell 100 Gold before your departure, and increase your population to 200.

Level 42

  • Stage 1 Goals: Repair the Houses, and clean up the debris around the city.

    • In order to clean up all of the debris, you need to pay off the bandits.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Gather Gold nuggets to pay the bandits, deal with the remaining bandits, and report to the sheriff.

    • After you get rid of the bandits, don't forget to dig up the treasure at the red "X".

  • Stage 3 Goals: Give the guard the pass to the Sawmill, increase your population to 80, and hire another Worker for a total of 5.

Level 43

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Professor.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Demolish 7 buildings.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Talk to Van der Horn.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Talk to the Professor.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Build 7 Houses.

  • Stage 6 Goals: Collect the investment papers and take them to the Professor.

Level 44

  • Stage 1 Goals: Own 2 Houses, and talk the American Indians into lending you 4 dogs.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Catch the dogs, and arrange the expeditions by building 2 sleds.

    • Collect the 4 cages to use to catch the dogs.

    • Pay the bum in the road 5 Gold nuggets to gain another Worker.

    • Build a Sawmill to get more Lumber to build the sleds.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Dig a secret cellar at the red "X".

    • Now that you have the sleds, you can get to the red "X".

  • Stage 4 Goals: Pick up the 2 wine barrels.

Level 45

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to the Chief.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Increase your income to $60,000.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Gather the hay to feed the bulls, and destroy the fence around the Estate.

    • Pick up the papers and take them to the Chief.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take the materials left from the fence demolition, restore the forgotten Estate to 3 start, and increase your population to 175.

Level 46

  • Stage 1 Goals: Talk to a local.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Restore the bridges, find the 3 bulls and take them away.

    • Give the whiskey barrel to the bum on the island so you can build the next bridge to the island with the bull.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Have a feast for Alaska Day.

    • The bulls are intended for the feast, so take them to the fire.

    • While the people were celebrating, the bandits appeared and kidnapped some of the citizens.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Ask the local for help, and pay the ransom to the bandit.

    • You will receive a key to the chest to help you rescue the hostages.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Get 50 Gold nuggets, and build a raft.

    • You need to increase your Workers to 6 to build your raft.

Level 47

  • Stage 1 Goals: Save Happy Joe from the bear.

    • Grab the gun and whiskey barrel for this task.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Help Lender, save the Architect, and take the gun from the bandit.

    • Get the locket for Lender.

    • Since you have no gold, get the gun from the bandit by the Water Tower in exchange for money.

    • Give the Architect his blueprints.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Free the American Indian, get the guns from the other 2 bandits, and own an Inn.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Find Jacob, free the Professor, and build the Trading Post.

    • Get rid of the bear and coyote.

    • The Professor's watch will appear after you build the Inn, so give it to him so you can build the Trading Post.

Level 48

  • Stage 1 Goals: Meet the Professor.

  • Stage 2 Goals: Talk to Lender, and build 4 Estates for him.

  • Stage 3 Goals: Pick up the documents Lender left that will threaten the bandit Boss, and get you evidence against Van der Horn.

  • Stage 4 Goals: Take your money and gold back from the Professor.

  • Stage 5 Goals: Give the $3,000,000 and 5,000 Gold nuggets to Van der Horn in order to catch him in the act.

  • So now you know the real story of what happen way out west during the Golden Years!


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