When one little caterpillar wakes up from his cocoon to find he hasn't exactly transformed into the magnificent butterfly he expected, the others have no choice but to leave him behind as they head across the water. But with a little ingenuity, some elbow grease (do caterpillars have elbows?) and a lot of courage, he just might find his way yet in Small is Beautiful's spot-the-difference game The Little Sailor. Just find and click on the differences in the two seemingly identical images you're presented with in each scene; find all but two, and you can move on to the next stage, or click the lightbulb icon for a hint. Just keep your eyes peeled, since the hints aren't always that easy to spot.
The game is short at twelve pages, and definitely on the easy side, but the wee tots that are clearly the target audience probably won't mind considering how pudgy and cute the artwork is. You might find yourself turning the plucky but repetitive soundtrack off via the option menu after a few minutes, but if you've got a kid nearby and five minutes to spare, pull them on to your lap and sail away for some simple, cheery fun.
To the programmer: separate settings for background music and sound effects, please.
I can't believe how much I love these. Nice addition to the collection.
Charming! I love the drawings and the music. But it's over too soon! I suggest you add one or two more 'adventures' for the little guy before he arrives.