Look for items in every corner of the room, making sure to push your nosy mouse cursor between objects and around every piece of furniture. You'll encounter several locked cabinets and drawers, both with keypad-like puzzle locks and traditional locks that look like they require a key. Each item you find can be examined using the magnifying glass icon located in the upper right corner of its inventory space. Use it often!
Like several games from the Gotmail team, Vision's environments are composed of 3D rendered objects polished to a bright shine. The lighting in this game is very soft, creating an evening candlelight dinner-type atmosphere. Vision doesn't try anything radically new with the room escape genre, instead walking the path of familiarity to deliver a puzzle experience we're all accustomed to. Not too challenging, not too easy, just another healthy installment of point-and-click puzzle solving for your casual gameplay enjoyment.
Like point-and-click room escape games? Find dozens more in our archives!
Walkthrough Guide
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Vision Walkthrough
click on the wineglass twice to grab it then go back
click on the left drawer twice and get the screwdriver handle then go back
click the trashcan and make note of the circle number then go back
click the blank area to the right on the desk near the floor and make note of the triangle number
click the paper in the middle of the desk and make note of the compass rose then go back
go one screen right and lift the left couch cushion to get the hand crank
go one screen right and click the lower left area of the desk then between the desk and the wall to get a piece of paper then go back
click the top left of the desk, then the top area of the shelves, get the metal handle, then go back
click the stool and make note of the square number, then go back
click the right area of the desk, then the bowl, then the top drawer to get the wooden man, then go back
click the books, then the big red book on the end, then open it to get the corkscrew, then go back to the books
click the book with the bookmark, open it, and add your piece of paper to it to see the full image
examine your doll, then arrange it's limbs like in the image, once done click the head to get the drawer handle, then go back
go left or right twice, click on the right drawer and put your handle in, then open it to get the seer box, then go back
go one screen left, click the left end of the plant box, then the outline in the wall and hit the switch to turn off the lights, then go back
click between the fifth and sixth plant, then grab the piece of paper, then go back
go one screen left, then the right part of the desk, then the bottom drawer, and zoom in of the device, and notice how it looks like the compass rose
look at the piece of paper, and notice the spelling, type this word into the compass device (up is n, right is e, down is s, left is w) and get the key then go back to where you are focused on the right part of the desk
use the key on the cabinet, then open to get a bottle of wine then go back and click the lower left of the desk, then the gold combination area
examine the cork screw and click the grey area, then the actual screw to open it fully, then examine the wine and use the corkscrew on it, then examine the wine glass and pour the wine into it, then click the green orb to get it
examine the seer box, click just below the centre to open it up, then put the green orb into it, then close it and click the green part in the middle to look into it
notice the formula on the bottom, and with a calculator multiply your circle number by your square number, then add your triangle, and put this number into the combolock
zoom out so you are looking at the bottom left of the desk, and click the handles of the bottom cabinet to get metal part 1 and the fly trap then go back
zoom in of the clock, then examine the bottom of the pot of the fly trap, this is the order in which you have to push the clock buttons (dark means pushes, white not), with the arrow representing the head of the screwdriver, so work your way around the clock pushing the buttons (ending up with 1, 4, 5, 7, and 10 pushed), then go back
click the right of the desk the get the screwdriver top and combine the two to get a full screwdriver, then go back
click the lower of the shelves on the left side, then the underside of the top right shelf, unscrew the screws, then get the frog on the top right shelf, then go back
go left once, zoom in on the picture, then examine the frog and spin the top so he's looking at you, then click the blue eye to get the blue gem
swap the blue gem for the green gem in the seer box and look into it, the arrows on the bottom are the sequence for the arrows on the picture
hit the arrows in order on the picture (right,up,down,right,left) to get the picture, then put metal piece in the lock where the picture was, then go back
go one screen back, then click twice on the box in the cabinet underneath the desk, then examine the picture, and look on the back of it for a key, take the key
use the key on the box to get the gold gem, then unscrew the screw in the top of the box, close the box and get the green and gold crystal, then go back
go left once the put the new gold gem in the seer box and look in. The image shows you where you need to put the frog in the plant box, and which way it faces. Before you put the frog there put the gold gem from the seer box into the frogs empty eye
the frog then goes between the fourth and fifth plant, facing left, then zoom out and click the far left and the hidden panel to turn the lights back on, then zoom out
Look at the beam coming from the frog and how it hits the clock. Go left and zoom in on the clock, and put the green and gold gem in the 5 o'clock spot where the frog light is shining, then go back and go right
click the spot in the floor where the light is shining, then click the light spot. Then put the hand crank in the hole in the floor and click the top handle to crank it, then zoom out.
click the new area in the wall to get metal piece 2, then click the bit that was holding the metal piece to move it, and notice the holes in the wall. Examine the metal handle and spin it to look at the other side, and click the second and third pegs in the row of five to recess them. Then use the handle on the holes in the wall, and grab the wrench, then zoom out
go left of right twice then click on either end of the couch and take out the bolts with the wrench, then zoom out and click the couch to move it and grab the third metal piece
zoom in on the metal lock and put pieces 2 and 3 in, and take the key, then zoom out
go right once and click the bottom left, then use the key on the drawer, then look at the box in the drawer and take the yellow gem
examine your picture and take note where the shells shown in the picture are in the 4x4 grid, then go back
go left or right twice and click the grey box on the top shelf twice, then hit the buttons the represent where the shells were in the 4x4 grid (top line none, second line middle 2, third line button on the right, fourth second from the left, the click the fish button till the box opens, and take the book and the doll head, then zoom out
go right once, the zoom in on the metal lock. Examine your doll and add the metal doll head. Then move the dolls limbs so it will fit in the open spot in the metal lock (arms in a diamond above his head and legs off to the side like it's jumping for joy) and put it into the metal lock, then go outside
go left and get rusted gear = 1 (careful here, the code may be different each time), then go left again and click on the grey box twice and get the gold gear, then go back
go left and notice how the semicircle of the lever = 4 (code may be different), then pull the lever and go left
go forward and notice how windmill blades = 9 (code may be different), then go back and left twice then up the ladder and click on the second metal door
examine the fly trap and take the dark blue gem, then examine the gold gear and flip it around to notice how gear = 1 (code may be different) then examine the third page of the sketchbook and notice how the 3x3 grid is numbered in a clockwise spiral
put the dark blue gem in the seer box and look at the code, windmill, hexagon, gear, semi, windmill and hit those buttons on the second metal door (the hexagon = 6 because it has 6 sides so the code becomes 96149 -- yours might be different) and pull it open and take the key and put the gold gear in then go down and off the ladder and back inside
once inside turn left and the right of the desk, then use the key on the drawer and get the other part of the rusted gear, then go back outside
once outside go left and take out the gold gear, then zoom out and go up the ladder to the second metal door and open it. Then put the two rusted gear parts into the gear impression, then go back down and back inside
now zoom in on the exposed gears in front of you, and put the gold gear in place, then back outside to throw the lever, then back in here to look at the gears again
Now watch the right grey gears as it turns it will reveal a key, take it and then zoom out
now go left/right twice and into the corridor between outside and in, look on the left to see a panel, click it then use the gear key, and open the panel and hit the button, and enjoy the ride
turn around then approach the altar in the middle and click on it, then click the centre gem
now look at the first page of the sketchbook, notice the seahorse design, then copy this design in the lower right side of the altar, then rotate the other pieces until you are able to make an image of a snail in the lower left, a person in the bottom centre, a bird in the top right and a snake along the left side
now look at each of the crystals in the seer box and notice the background images, this images correspond to the habitat of the animal, dark blue is sky, gold is dessert, light blue underwater and green dewy plants, now put each of the gems into the correct animal(snake=gold, dark blue = bird, green = snail, and light blue = seahorse)
now click the red human gem to get the human key and zoom out, then click the door and use the key to escape to your habitat.
The End
Posted by: melak
February 6, 2008 7:25 PM
Hint-Through, Part 1: Getting Familiar With the Room
1. Desk wall (first view)
Explore every unlocked drawer, nook and cranny. Pick up whatever you can, then examine it. There are items here which you cannot take but you should examine for later use.
Did you pick up two items for your inventory? If not, keep looking.
You should have the wineglass from the shelf,
and the screwdriver handle from the drawer.
Did you collect two pieces of data? If not, keep looking.
There are two numerical clues here.
They're not written in plain sight.
One is written on the bottom of the trash can. Note the shape and number for later. These change in every game, btw.
The other is not on the desk, but near it.
It's on a wall in shadow.
It's to the right of the desk, near the corner.
Did you note four items that you can't use yet? If not, keep looking.
On the shelf unit, there's a box with a green gem on top.
On the top shelf, there's a box with a fish lock.
On the desk, there's a map with a compass rose.
And there's a locked drawer you can't open.
2. Couch wall (to the right)
Explore every unlocked drawer, nook and cranny. Pick up whatever you can, then examine it. There are items here which you cannot take but you should examine for later use.
Did you pick up one item for your inventory?
Did you lift the couch cushions?
You should have a hand crank with a square end, from under the left couch cushion.
Did you note two items that you can't affect yet? If not, keep looking.
Did you look behind the couch?
There's nothing to pick up, but those wall bolts are odd, aren't they? Why would the couch be bolted to the wall?
Did you examine the picture on the wall?
Remember the interesting aspects of it for later. And wonder to yourself why it wiggles like that, but doesn't come off.
3. Clock wall (opposite the desk wall)
Lots to explore and gather here, in several different "views." Explore closely, hunt everywhere. You know the drill by now!
Check out the clock.
The clock hand looks familiar.
Like the end of a screwdriver.
You need to do something to the clock to release the clock hand. But you don't have all the information yet, so be patient. Make sure you note anything unusual about the clock.
Under the clock: three drawers locked, one unlocked.
What's in the unlocked drawer? A compass rose with buttons. Where have you seen a compass rose before?
Did you lift the items on top of the cabinet?
Weird how that fruit bowl seems to stick down into the cabinet.
Wonder what happens if you open the top drawer with the fruit bowl lifted?
Aha, the fruit bowl serves as a key. Take the wooden figure from the drawer.
Did you examine the wooden figure?
Seems bendy. Good to know for later.
The books: surely you examined those, right?
There are two things to find.
Did you pick up the maroon book on the far right?
Get the tool from the book. Examine it.
It's not a knife; it's a corkscrew.
Did you pick up the green book with the paper marker?
Too bad that page is ripped, huh? Wonder what the message reads.
Around the furniture
Did you look all around?
See anything behind the stool?
Another one of those shape/number combos. Hmm. Jot it down.
The cabinet to the left: examine everything you can.
All the decorative items seem to be permanent, don't they?
One of them isn't. Look closely.
Look at the shelf under the frog box. It's screwed down.
You could probably take it when you get that screwdriver together.
A locked drawer and a locked cabinet. Sheesh.
Examine the cabinet. It has a combination lock, not a key lock.
Looks like you'll need a four-digit sequence to put in.
Did you add something to your inventory here?
You should have added two things to inventory from this cabinet area.
Look everywhere.
Just because you can't take anything from inside the cabinet, doesn't mean you can't take things from near or on the cabinet.
Like, behind the cabinet, or on top of the cabinet.
To the left of the cabinet in the corner is a wad of paper. You should examine it.
Looks like it was ripped from a book.
On top of the cabinet is a strange tool. You should examine it.
Looks like the pegs can be adjusted in different combinations, or reset.
4. Potted Plant Wall
Not as much to see here, but explore anyway.
What's that panel on the wall?
If you open it, you can turn the lights off and on.
Wonder if that changes the view of things.
Aha, a scrap of paper you couldn't see before.
It reads "newsense"
That's a made-up word. Probably a code, huh? Wonder where it could be used.
Posted by: pineapple
February 7, 2008 4:14 PM
Hint-Through, Part 2: Start Solving Stuff
Compass Rose Puzzle
If you haven't found a map, a box with four buttons, and a scrap of paper with letters on it, you aren't ready to solve this. Check the room again. Examine your inventory.
So, you have a compass rose on the desk. And a compass rose with buttons on a box.
How do you get that box open? Looks like you need to push those buttons in some order.
What value might those buttons have?
The compass rose on the desk shows you.
But in what order do you push N, E, W, S?
You've seen those letters before.
On the scrap of paper from the plant shelf.
Enter the code N E W S E N S E into the compass rose box, which you found in the unlocked drawer under the clock.
The compass rose box produces a hexagonal key.
Figure out what lock it opens.
It opens a door on the same piece of furniture.
There's a bottle inside. Take it.
Examine it. Looks corked, huh?
Bottle Puzzle
If you haven't found three bottle-related items, you aren't ready to solve this. Check the room again. Examine your inventory.
You should have a wineglass, a corkscrew, and a bottle.
You know what to do.
Uncork the bottle, and pour it into the glass.
Voila! You've found a green marble.
Book Puzzle
If you haven't found a green book with a torn page, and a torn piece of paper, you aren't ready to solve this. Check the room again. Examine your inventory.
What happens when you repair the book?
That's a picture of a figure in a certain position.
Interesting. Is it a clue?
Yes. Duh. It's a clue on how to position the wooden figure you took from the drawer under the fruit bowl.
So you've put the wooden figure in position. Now what?
Is it a key? Is something unlocked? Turned on or off?
Examine the figure, without moving his limbs.
Click his head.
Now you've got a wooden-knob key, and a headless man. Wonder why the headless figure returned to your inventory. Guess you'll have to use it again at some point.
Now go see what that key unlocks!
The Magnifier
Once you've unlocked the desk drawer with your knob key, you'll find a strange instrument. Examine it all over.
Hmm, that flap opens.
Look! An empty round hole. What could go in there?
It's a sort of marble-shaped hole.
Put the green marble in the hole.
Reexamine the magnifier, closely.
Lovely! Inside the green marble is a pretty flower picture. And a code.
"Key = Triangle + Square x Circle"
Looks like math. Where could the values come from?
You need a number represented by a triangle, square and a circle, obviously. Have you collected data like that? If not, go look around the room again.
So you've got the three numerals that correspond to the shapes. Do the math.
Did you get a four-digit answer? Wonder where you could use a four-digit number.
Did you try it on the cabinet with the combination lock?
You have to put in the combination, then back up and try the handle yourself - there is no obvious sign that you've unlocked it.
Did it work? No? Are you sure your math was right?
Did you check your order of operations?
Don't forget that you have to multiply before adding. So your math should have been (Triangle + (Square X Circle)). Don't worry; lots of us missed that one.
strong>Once you've opened the tall cabinet, you should collect two items.
One is a weirdly shaped piece of metal, the other is a weird plant. Examine both.
What did you learn from the plant? It's a Venus Flytrap, by the way.
Did you notice its leaves closed?
Did you notice anything on the pot itself?
Maybe underneath the pot?
That pattern is interesting. Do you notice that there are some darkened circles and some light ones? And a pointer? What does it remind you of?
Sort of looks like a clock. Wonder if it's a clue.
The Clock Puzzle
So you've got a clue that looks like it works on the clock. And you need that screwdriver, huh?
Find a way to apply the pattern from the Venus Flytrap to your clock.
By darkening and lightening the circles to match.
Start with the clue pointer and work your way around from the actual pointer, changing the hours to dark or light.
When you get it right, you'll know. Something will happen.
Get the screwdriver shaft from where it fell.
Make yourself a screwdriver!
It's trickier than you think. Turns out you have to apply the screwdriver shaft to the handle, not the other way around. Now, go unscrew something!
Don't you remember what was waiting to be unscrewed? Where did you see those screws before?
The frog box was screwed down to the shelf.
Froggy Eyes
Now you've unscrewed it. Examine it.
A weird eye symbol on the front; also the froggy seems to turn around.
Wow, those are weird eyes.
One comes loose, in fact.
Turns out it's an aqua-colored marble.
You know what to do with marbles, don't you?
Where did you use the marble before?
Put the aqua marble in your magnifier.
Lovely! Inside the aqua marble is a pretty underwater picture. And a code.
What could it mean? Have you seen directional triangles like that somewhere before?
They were on the gold-framed picture on the wall. The seashells picture.
Could you apply that code somehow?
Posted by: pineapple
February 7, 2008 4:35 PM
Hint-Through, Part 3: STILL Solving Stuff
Seashell Picture Puzzle
If you click the triangles on the picture frame in the order they appear under the aqua marble, something will happen.
The picture frame will come off the wall. You should examine it.
It has a green key taped on the back of it.
And it left a big weird metal panel in the wall.
The panel seems to be awaiting a piece.
Maybe a matching weird roundish metal piece.
You have one of those.
If you put it in the panel, it sticks. Guess it lives there. Looks like some other pieces might also belong there. Wonder if you'll find those?
That round hole on top is interesting. Wonder what goes in there?
It looks marble-sized.
Only, your green and aqua marbles won't fit in. Maybe you'll find another.
The Green Key
Now, where could that key go?
It's an interesting color, isn't it?
Where else have you seen that color?
Sort of looks like that green gem on the box under the desk.
What do you know? It does indeed match that box.
Now you've got another marble. What else do you notice about the box?
Maybe on the lid?
Maybe under the lid?
Something screwed down? You can fix that.
Now you've got a green gem and a multi-colored marble. Pretty. Wonder what the gem does.
But you definitely know what do with the marble right? Back to the magnifier…
The Multi-colored Marble
Lovely! Inside the multi-colored marble is… a picture of the room. Specifically the clock. And a weird symbol.
Where did you see the symbol before? Surely there's a connection.
It was on a box.
It was on the frog box.
The marble was showing a particular viewpoint of the room.
From the plant shelf.
Of someone… or something... looking at the clock.
Maybe someone or something should look at the clock.
From the same position as in the marble image.
Which had a red-topped plant nearby.
You can't get down at that angle.
What has eyes that could see that angle?
Put the frog box next to the red plant.
Is the frog facing the clock?
Guess you'll have to turn him so he's facing the clock.
Are you sure he can see properly?
With only one eye and all…
Can you give him two eyes?
Put the multi-colored marble in the frog's empty eye socket.
Still nothing? Are you sure you accurately recreated the scene from the magnifier?
Are the lights on?
Go back to the panel to the left of the plant shelf, and make sure the lights are on.
Your frog appears to be seeing something. Wonder what it is?
The Frog's Point of View
The frog seems to be illuminating something.
On the clock.
The 5:00 spot, specifically.
What could that light be indicating? What does 5:00 mean?
Nothing, actually. But there's something you need to do to 5:00.
Something to catch the light.
Do you have something small and round that would catch the light?
Like a marble?
Or a gem?
Put the green gem into the 5:00 hole.
Light appears to be coming from it. Wonder what that indicates.
Examine the room again.
The Green Light Special
The beam emanating from the green gem is shining onto… the floor! Why?
Click the spot. There's a removable panel there, hiding some sort of switch. Can you open it?
You'll need a tool.
A tool with a square end.
Like your hand crank.
Hmm, what happened? Take a look around.
Hidden Compartment
So your hand crank opened a panel on the wall. What's in it?
There's another weird metal piece. Remember where that goes?
So, you've added another weird metal piece to the weird metal hole on the wall. Doesn't look quite finished yet though.
Is that all there is in the hidden compartment?
What happens if you move the base for the metal piece?
Weird. Holes in the wall.
Wonder what goes in them. It's like a strange lock.
Which would need a strange key.
Do you have anything that could make a strange key? By filling holes?
You've got that weird peg tool.
Can you adjust it so it fits into the holes in the compartment?
Yes, yes you can. Give it a go. Or several.
When the peg tool unlocks those holes properly, a door can be clicked open.
Get In Gear
Behind the door opened by the peg key is a shaft holding a gear mechanism.
Which is holding a wrench.
Where might you use a hexagonal wrench?
Maybe on some hexagonal bolts.
Like the ones holding the couch in place.
When you free up the couch, you can find things.
Like another weird metal piece. Good thing you know where that goes!
Finally: the circle is complete. And, moving!
And, offering up rewards.
Like that key that just popped out of the slot on top. Surely it fits something you haven't unlocked yet.
But, is the weird metal puzzle complete? Hard to tell. It's not filled, there's still an empty space.
The space looks like…. Something… you've seen before…
Something you've used.
Sort of looks like a dancing person, doesn't it?
Can you approximate the shape? Your wooden bendy figure might do.
Except for how he's headless, and the wall clearly requires a head. There's a hole for it and everything.
Where can you get a head? Keep an eye out.
She Sells Seashells
So, you've got a key. And another locked lock, somewhere. Match them up.
Finally into the last locked drawer on the tall cabinet, huh?
Okay, cool. A tray of exoskeletons. I mean -- seashells.
One thing certainly doesn't fit with the others.
Woohoo! Another marble! (The other stuff seems to be pretty firmly anchored down though)
So, you know what to do with the marble.
The magnifier shows… sand? And a fish?
Okay. Where have you seen the fish before?
It was on a box…
Yep, the fish box on the top shelf over the desk.
So now you have an idea of what can be done with the fish.
But that still doesn't open the box. Maybe those buttons on top need to be pressed in some way.
But they don't have any numbers or letters.
So something else must indicate how to push the buttons on the fish box.
Maybe the buttons have a pattern. Does the pattern look familiar?
Where else have you seen four rows and four columns?
Maybe somewhere else fishy.
Like the tray of shells in that drawer that held the yellow marble.
Is that tray a clue? Or does it hold a key?
Where have you seen seashells before?
Could the first place you saw seashells be a clue to the second place?
And could the first place you saw four rows and four columns be a clue to the second place?
Figure out which shells in the picture are represented in the tray.
Then figure out spaces holding the correct seashells correspond to the buttons on the fish box.
Don't forget the fish position!
It won't open automatically; you have to line everything up, then click it to see if it opens.
Cool! More stuff! Take the items inside, and examine them.
What Came From the Fish Box
A sketch book, with some unfamiliar stuff and some familiar stuff. Bet you'll need to come back to this.
And a key with a round handle.
Very round. Sort of like a knob.
Sort of like that drawer-knob key that came from the wooden figure.
Back when your wooden figure had a head.
You could replace that head, you know.
Now you have a complete figure.
Where does he go, again?
WHOA. (If you had the figure bent properly, with a head, and placed him properly, you should get a "whoa" event)
Posted by: pineapple
February 7, 2008 4:57 PM
Hint-Through, Part 4: A Change of Scenery
Enjoying the Scenery
When you're out on the balcony, it's important to take your time and look at things very closely.
Like, right now - as a big blade swooshes past your face. What is that?
It's a windmill.
You can also look in many directions.
Take a look around. Find anything worth picking up? Or tinkering with?
At first look, there's something you can pick up…
…a piece of a rusty gear
something you can open…
…a metal door panel. Did you open it?
There's a gear inside. Looks shiny. Much nicer than that rusty bit.
Wait, you didn't take the gear, did you?
Uh-oh. Check the hallway to the interior room.
and something you can pull:
a lever in the ground.
What happens when you pull the lever? Did you try moving it back and forth to see what happens?
The windmill is controlled by the lever. Left is off, right is on.
Did you go in every direction you could?
Even up?
There's some stuff up there.
Including another door panel, with a combination keypad on the front.
You've seen that keypad before, haven't you?
And in fact, you've seen the windmill too?
Check the sketchbook again.
The third page is a clue to the nine-key puzzle.
The Nine-Key Puzzle
So clearly there's a code you punch in (this isn't your first point-and-click).
And it appears to use Roman numerals.
Fortunately you've seen some of those.
But how many? And what order? If only you had another of those helpful code-cracking marbles.
Actually, you do, and you just don't know it.
You've had it with you all along, Bastian.
You're carrying a clue to the marble's location, too.
The clue is in the sketchbook.
On the second page.
The sun makes the Venus Flytrap open. You're in the sun.
An open Venus Flytrap reveals what it holds inside.
Like, a marble.
You know what to do with it!
Lovely! The blue marble has a picture of birds. And a code.
The code indicates… something. You know you have to punch Roman numerals into the keypad. Could this be the order?
Do the symbols correspond to numbers somehow?
Check the sketchbook again. It holds clues that you might not see yet
Where have you seen Roman numerals thus far?
There was one on the lever.
What could that correspond to in the marble code?
Where on the lever was the numeral?
On the base, shaped like a half-circle?
There's a half-circle in the code too.
There's a Roman numeral on the half-circle base. Write it down. These change every game, btw.
Where else? You know from the code that there should be one on the windmill somewhere.
Where can you get a good look at the windmill?
It's hard if it's moving.
Make sure to turn it off. Then you examine a blade up close.
There's a number on the blade.
What about the gear? Did you examine it?
There's another Roman numeral on the back of the gear. Write it down.
What's left? A hexagon shape.
Where have you seen a hexagon? The bolts on the couch, but those are gone.
Where else? Somewhere on this balcony is a clue.
Maybe somewhere on your person.
Like in your inventory.
Like, in the sketch book.
Like, on the third page.
The axel of the windmill base is shown as a hexagon, isn't it?
Could there be a clue on the real windmill base?
Can you get up there to take a look?
Could it be on a side that you can't see?
How could you check out the other sides of the hexagonal base?
Maybe by rotating the windmill?
By turning it on?
With the lever?
Turn on the windmill, climb the ladder, and wait to see a clue.
There's another Roman numeral on the base of the windmill machinery. Write it down.
So now you've got numerals corresponding to the code from the marble. Time to punch them in.
But the keypad isn't like a telephone. It's in a funny order.
Check the sketch book again.
Now, put your five numbers in, in the order from the marble code. If you did it correctly, the door will open when you click on it.
Not working? You noticed the windmill numeral was a duplicate, right?
Did you "unpush" it?
Excellent! You've just found
another key, and
the slot that held your shiny gear.
Maybe if you replace the shiny gear, the hallway gate will open again.
Better not take it out again, unless you want to get locked out here forever. The gate clearly requires a gear filling the slo
Get in Gear, Part 2
So you've got a new key. Could there possibly be a drawer or cabinet or box you've not unlocked? Yes, yes there is. Find it.
The middle drawer of the cabinet with the fruit bowl will now open for you.
What's inside? A rusty bit of gear.
Kind of like that other bit.
Looks like together, they make a whole gear.
Clearly you are supposed to use it somewhere. But where would it go?
Where have we seen gears before?
There's an empty axel in the hidden compartment under the plant shelf.
But it doesn't appear to be taking these rusty bits.
It needs a whole solid gear.
Where can you get one?
Can you replace the shiny gear outside in the door locking shaft, with the two rusty bits?
Open the door at the bottom of the ladder. Take out the new gear. The compartment will go up to the top. Climb the ladder. Open the door (don't worry, you don't have to unlock again). Place your rusty gears bits into the gear slot. The gate will open again. Now you've got a new gear, and an open gate.
Put the new gear in the open space in the hidden compartment.
Can't get it on?
Bet you could if you could get that axel to hold still…
What's making the axel turn?
Something spinning slowly.
Something you've already seen.
Go outside and turn off the windmill.
Now put the gear on.
Can't get it to spin?
What would make the axel turn?
Something spinning slowly.
Something you've already seen.
Go outside and turn on the windmill.
Examine the spinning gear.
Cool. Another key! What haven't you unlocked?
Look everywhere.
Even outside.
Or inside.
Or in between.
Hey, was this light on in the hallway before?
STOP RIGHT HERE! If you are suddenly in light where before there was dark, but you aren't inside or outside... you need to make absolutely sure you are fully equipped before you proceed,
as this is a point of no return.
Hit SAVE if you aren't sure.
You need to have in your inventory:
the magnifier
the sketch book
and four marbles.
Posted by: pineapple
February 7, 2008 5:47 PM
Hint-Through: The Final Puzzle
Use the gear key on the panel in the hallway.
Open the door, and push the button. Enter the room of blue glass balls.
Cool! A puzzle. But the squares all seem blank.
until you touch it.
So, you need to make the puzzle show... something. But what?
Are there any clues you haven't used yet?
Maybe in your inventory?
Maybe in your sketch book?
The first page of the sketch book shows a symbol that should appear in this final puzzle.There's one good way to get started solving this:
Start with the known. There are two "knowns."
First, that the tile holding the marble in the center will not rotate, so clearly that one is properly oriented. You could start there.
Second, that if the seahorse is going to appear in the puzzle, there is only one way to properly align those tiles. You could start there.
From either of those starting points, make the lines match up.
When the tiles are correctly aligned, you will see
five figures (none of which are touching each other). They look like:
a snake,
a bird,
a snail,
a man,
and a seahorse.
To complete the puzzle, you have to give the figures
heads. What could you use to make the heads?
Yep, marbles.
But in what order?
You could experiment if you like. But you have the clues already with you.
Not in the sketchbook.
Do you remember those lovely photographs you saw earlier?
Inside the marbles?
They were clues to this final puzzle.
Match the animal to its likely habitat.
Which one would live underwater?
In the sand?
In the sky?
In the flowers?
When the puzzle is complete and correct, it will show you. If it doesn't, you need to correct either your tile placement or your marble placement.
And I think you can get it on your own from here!
Easter Egg for those who finish:
If you wait for the last scene after completion, you'll see a full view of the windmill. Click the three colored dots in the top right for a lovely surprise.
Posted by: pineapple
February 7, 2008 6:07 PM