Your horoscope for this week in May: You are characterized by great style and wit, and you show it in everything you do. Unfortunately, you have a tendency to wind up in tricky situations. But, fortunately, you also have the gumption and charm to escape your way out of them. This week is no exception; you'll find yourself being a great help to friends, exceedingly brilliant at solving problems and, when given lemons, you'll smile happily and walk out the door.
The Adventures of Duck - by Kamokichi, the author of Yana Escape and A Little Slow, is more about getting into rather than escaping from. But never mind that technicality because this little delight shouldn't be missed. Explore the various scenes, helping everyone get what they want so you can find and unlock the hidden vault. While playing, you'll probably think: "This reminds me of a Minoto game." Along those lines is a Monkey GO Happy essence at each playful turn. Comparisons aside, The Adventures of Duck is quite a treasure, unique enough to stand out on its own.
Escape from the Similar Rooms 11 - Hottategoya has found a fascination with sameness, and so have we because it looks a wee bit like a Spot-the-Difference game...only much more escape-y. Among the sparse furnishings and decor of each of these rooms, the clues do tend to stick out. So spotting them isn't the problem. What is the problem is making sense of their abstruse hinting in order to decipher the codes for each of these three doors. This amounts to three coy puzzles with rather twisty logic, one for each room. Sadly, you're out before you're ready to end the fun.
Fruit Kitchens No.4: Lemon Yellow - FunkyLand gives us a bunch of lemons and what are we to make of it? Quick, easy, cheerful fun! No use being a sourpuss and complaining it's too simple or too yellow. Just keep your eyes peeled for 7 oblong zesty citrons and, when you've collected them all, they magically turn into the door key. The item hide-and-seek is a bit more of a pixel hunt this time around so, if you do get stumped, it's probably because you missed a tool that would help out in a pinch.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Escape From Similar Rooms 11 Walkthrough:
Posted by: jake.gibel | May 7, 2014 1:41 AM
Fruit Kitchens 4 - Lemon Yellow Walkthrough
Posted by: Reka | May 7, 2014 12:25 PM
Adventures of Duck Walkthrough
Posted by: Reka | May 9, 2014 1:20 AM
Similar Rooms 11
Posted by: Reka | May 9, 2014 3:08 AM