Mateusz Skutnik released a new
Where is #? game as a farewell from the past year. This year, it was released only as a downloadable game and it is quite short, but quite enjoyable. This time you are not peacefully looking for 2017, but have to cope with 2016 first. It doesn´t want to leave and it´s a bit overgrown and kicking, so you have to fight it! Luckily, villainous 2016 is also slow and not very bright, so even players that aren't so good in action games (like me) are able to defeat it. Not in the first attempt though.
Graphics are beautiful, as always, in Skutnik's special, atmospheric style. For navigation and action, use the keyboard controls. No words are needed here.
Be brave, go and kick 2016 out! And enjoy.
Play Where is 2017?
i just now seen this was here. is there a walkthrough?
@Paul Unlike the previous Where Is games, this one isn't point-and-click, it's a platform/action/shooter. (It's also a download instead of a browser game!) So don't expect too much help from a walkthrough, but I'm going to try anyway:
(Note: I find the game's sounds to be wayyy too loud, so turn the volume down before starting, especially if you're wearing headphones.)
Click Play and sit through the unskippable intro cutscene. After some harsh words to 2016 and a vigorous facepalm, the game begins.
(The game helpfully tells you to use WASD or arrow keys: A/D to walk, W to jump, S to use a lever, and the corresponding arrow keys do the same thing.)
Jump on the box in the left corner, then across to the brown box in the middle, then up the pile of boxes to the right, then to the left platform with the lever on it.
Press S/Down to turn it on, then jump to the upper-right platform and exit the level with S/Down again.
Boss Fight
Whoa, that escalated quickly. Villain 2016 is guarding both the exit door and its switch, and he has a beefy health bar at the top of the screen. Your only weapon is an unlimited supply of snowballs, which you can only throw straight ahead and while on the ground.
2016 kills you in one hit, if you let him. (And by kill, I mean the boss fight restarts, which isn't actually so bad.) Good thing he doesn't have any real attacks and can only hit you with his body (and head) by flying slowly around the screen.
Phase 1: The Figure Eight
2016 moves in a figure-eight pattern around the left side of the screen.
From your starting platform, face left and press Space until he loses enough health (30%, or 15 shots) to trigger phase 2.
Phase 2: The Back-and-Forth
2016 floats back-and-forth horizontally at medium height.
Keep shooting when he's on the left edge of the screen, and drop down off the left edge of your platform when he gets close. You can stand on the blue box in the bottom-right corner until he moves left again, and then jump up onto your starting platform to shoot him in the back.
Alternatively, if you start this phase shooting while standing at the very edge of the screen (i.e. on the brown box next to the entrance), it is possible to do enough damage to end the phase without moving.
When he loses enough health (another 30% or 15 shots), he will move on to phase 3.
Phase 3: The Giant Ellipse
2016 flies around the whole screen in a giant ellipse, just skimming each of the four edges.
Remember that 2016's hitbox doesn't include his legs or wings.
There are several spots that you can stand and shoot from without having to move:
Top of the tallest blue box (max. 6 hits/cycle)
Bottom-left corner (max. 15 hits/cycle)
Bottom-right corner (max. 7 hits/cycle)
I recommend that you attack from the lower-left corner, flipping the switch while you're there, then run back to either of the other two safe spots to finish off the phase.
When 2016 loses enough health (another 30% or 15 shots), he will move on to phase 4.
Phase 4: The Zig-zag
2016 bounces up and down the screen in a diagonal fashion [\/\/\], hitting the top-left and bottom-right corners.
Once again, there are several safe spots in this pattern. However, you only need to hit him five more times, so run back to the right side of the screen and get to medium height (jump up the pile of boxes or to the starting platform) without getting hit, and keep throwing snowballs.
When 2016 loses the rest of his health (10% or 5 shots), he lands dead next to the green box.
Activate the switch in the lower-left corner if you haven't already, then jump onto the orange-colored box, jump onto 2016's belly, onto the green box and onto the exit platform. Leave the room through the exit.
Pull the lever to lift the bars, and walk over to the green box on the left, which opens up automatically. 2017 comes out of the box and waves.
Thank you for finding 2017! (*uncomfortably long applause*)