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Letters In Boxes #22
...Yeah, I'll just come right out and say it, salt has nothing to do with these puzzles. You've got four puzzles to tackle in this week's Letters In Boxes challenge. To play, click on the puzzle below to open the image up in a new window. When you think you've found an answer, go to your browser's address bar and change the image's filename (in this case, "start22") to your answer, making sure you stay in the same directory and maintaining the same file extension. If you're right, you'll zoom through to the next puzzle. If you're wrong, you'll get an error message, but you can always back up and try again.
This batch of puzzles contains four puzzles to solve. On the fourth puzzle, you'll find the email address for sending your final answer. We'll hand out a prize to the first correct entry we receive, plus one additional randomly-selected correct entry. Please include your Casual Gameplay account display name with your entry. You must be at least 13 years of age to enter. Only one submission per participant, please. Offer void where prohibited. Your deadline for submitting your answers is Monday, November 21st at 11:59 PM (GMT-5:00). Good luck!
Update: Congratulations to the following winners! :D
Both winners were given a choice of prizes. Congratulations and thanks for playing with us! Look for another Letters in Boxes again soon!
- ThemePark ...First!
- Sunney444
This was a nice and easy LIB. It felt like I was reading through a puzzle magazine, coming across some dear friends. :D
I'm sure I can work out #3 as soon as I remember what it's called...
I'm already stuck on #2.
I think I know what it is:
And I don't know how to solve it:
But now I have no idea what to do.
So i got a msg but dont think its right.
The letters anagram into a phrase but wouldnt even know where to click! any help?
Could anyone give a hint for #2? Me dumb.
Donhuando is on the right track for #2.
After that, you dont have to read far for the answer.
Nevermind about #2, got it.
Didn't think it was possible to do something like that... nice job!
Oy, I just figured out what #3 is.
The first three were pretty straightforward, but I'm stuck on 4.
Thanks for the hint, donhuando!
I have a guess about #3:
Oy, I just figured out what #3 is.
Sorry for the double post. My browser spazzed.
I'm feeling pretty dumb because I'm stuck on 1. I know what the letters are, but not sure what to do with them.
I tried to find an example of what you wrote but couldn't.
Does it have any other names? or could you give an example?
Could anyone give me some hints as to how puzzle 3 works? I've tried googling the names that were posted above, but can't seem to find any useful sites...
Aggh, I meant I'm stuck on 3. Can't count. Anyway, ray9na's hint didn't help.
I guess #3 might be hard for people since this puzzle only seem to occur in puzzle magazines, and seemingly can't easily be found on the internet, so I'll explain the rules of that puzzle here.
Only read it if you're absolutely stuck, and don't expect a solution. This is only an explanation of how the puzzle works.
Actually ray9na, the way Steve has made #3 is how it's printed in puzzle magazines. Never seen the other version before except for where you found it.
Well, that says something about my experience with that type of puzzle, doesn't it? :-P
Thanks guys, after
Funny, on #4:
First I solved it, then
yay, thanks for the help with 3! googling the person's name helped :)
And I actually solved 4 (like, got all the words and stuff), but I
haha! actually no... I got that one, but I had two left, and I was trying to decide which was a clued-word, and which was 'YOUR FINAL ANSWER'... and I couldn't decide which word was
I got #3!
Snowmoon, I did the same thing....
i just don't get the logic of this puzzle. I'm going through the examples from the guy we googled/ the other guy he referenced on his page and I still don't get the logic.
is it
Maybe I'm over thinking it as would be usual
It's before noon and I finished without any help.
What is the world coming to? :-D
Am I missing something really obvious on 2?
Gah. Rushed through 1...
But now I'm stuck in number 4! All the way through it but...
Thanks @Ray9na. I eventually got it. Took awhile but your help helped as well as @ThemePark!
this set of puzzles made up for missing last week - fun and challenging but ultimately solvable. Hints/Comments for each puzzle:
All in all, another great LIB. Thanks @Steve!
This was a fun set of puzzles, moreso since I actually solved them with minimal help. I had to read the comments here about #3 to understand how to solve it, but that turned out to be fun to solve once I got the hang of it, and the other three puzzles were a breeze.
@ray9na: Thanks, helped me break #4.
can't do any puzzle because it's so hard and with the hint is really confused me i guess i should try next puzzle
Something I found to help work through #3:
Excellent round of Letters in Boxes again (I really missed my weekly dose of puzzling, previous week).
And a special message for Steve. (feel free to help him decode it)
Oh, now I got ray9na's clue for number 4.
I have been bashing my brain in trying to figure out how to do #3, and I've finally figured out how to do it -- though I haven't solved it. It would have been nice if I'd noticed that the grid is broken up into blocks of two!
Took me a while to get that bit on #4 about
...Of course, that makes sense, considering
Also, Crouch? About your "special message," all I can say is...."Huh?" (I don't get it.)
Onyx Mouse, a hint for the "special message":
Ahh, I get it now! Hehe, very clever.
...I just hope he doesn't try using that in an upcoming LiB. X_x
Onyx Mouse: no need to worry about that, it will probably be the first thing you'll think of if you get stuck :)
It's probably a good thing I'm not in charge of LiB, as I've got some ideas for puzzles that are even more crazy.
Here are this week's answers:
Winners will be announced soon!